Chapter 2

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The wind whipped through my hair, tossing my long ponytail in all directions as I skated towards school. And yes, I was in  my dress. Great look, I know, but it was my only transport to school. I guess I could walk but then I would have to get up thirty minutes earlier and I probably don't get enough sleep as it is, let alone thirty minutes less. There was the option of busing but I hated buses. They were smelly and just... ewww... So instead, I skated.

As I rolled up to school, I jumped off the board and held it under my arm, knowing as soon as I entered the grounds if my board was on the ground Mr Suman would take it off my and I would never see it again. He's already taken eight off me.

"Hey Cat," my best friend, Amie, called. Cat was the nickname she had given me. I can't really remember why but it's stuck for around nine years.

"Hey Bibble," I smiled, the smile not reaching my eyes. Amie loved bibble, she was obsessed. She gave me a quick hug.

"Guess what?!" she practically squealed. Her blue eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Your mum bought you more bibble?" I said, taking a well educated guess.

"Well yes, she did but that wasn't what I was talking about... Guess who asked me out?!" she continued without giving me time to answer, "Jai!"

"Oh my God! Really?!" I asked, excited for her. Amie had always had a crush on Jai ever since she was little and Jai, the same. It was just a matter of time before they got together, "What did you say?"

"What do you think I said?! The boy of my dreams asked me out! What do you think I'm going to say?"

"So, you said no?" I asked, being stupid. Amie glared at me and punched me playfully in the arm. Luckily she missed my bruises.

"Yes, I definately said no," she replied sarcastically.

"Said no to what, babe?" Jai asked from behind us, making the both of us jump.

"Oh, nothing," Amie replied, nervously, blushing furiously. She always did this when Jai was around. It was kinda cute, the first couple of times. They both started looking into each others eyes, getting all lovey dovey.

"Errrgh, I'm out," I said, leaving them be. A few wolf whistles erupted from behind me. I turned around to see Jai and Amie kissing. Jai's twin brother, Luke and their friends James and Daniel, who they called Skip, were the causes of the wolf whistles. Typical.

I continued to my locker and started to get ready for my first class, science. Oh how I hated Mondays.

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