Chapter 1: Down The Rabbit Hole - Part One

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What in the hell is this?

Your headaches as you try to comprehend what was going on. According to this...uh, what is this? A hologram? A pop-up? Hello Siri? Can I listen to music with this? Don't tell me this thing plays ads. I-

[???] "Ahem. Dear protagonist, you're thinking out loud."


[???] "If it makes you happy, you can call me Siri. I can't play any music, but I know some chocolate chip cookies recipes! ^-^"

Real hopeful, Siri. Well, chocolate chip cookies might as well help me on my journey to insanity. Anyways, according to Siri, you have been chosen to play the role of Y/N in this awful Y/N fanfic. You've been given an opportunity, well, more like you've been forced to, to change the plot and character development.

Siri gave you some information about Y/N's character. To cut it short, she's a teen whose parents are divorced yet has no reaction to it, often bullied at school because of her weak demeanor (her countless stuttering seems to make it worse), a drama magnet, and that her fashion sense is below poor.

After reading through the description containing 1000 words of Y/N as a character (and remembering that it was only some of it), you began having a migraine, "What's up with her stuttering?"

You asked out of pure curiosity and annoyance as you stood up, opened the door, and began walking towards the stairs. The house itself was not that big; it looked plain. The walls were painted in an alice blue shade, making the hall look grim.

Your room was at the far end of the hallway. There was a room in front of yours with the door slightly opened; you could see that the floor was made of tiles; it must've been the bathroom. You could see that there were two more rooms near the stairs, one on either side of the hallway. Two drawers separated your door and the bathroom from them. You had no idea what those rooms were but figured that you would explore later.

As you stroll down the hallway, your eyes catch a picture, hung above the drawer on your room's side, of you and presumably the mother and father of Y/N.

Siri spoke throughout your journey to the stairs.

[???] "I'm not quite sure if she's doing it on purpose or not; she likely is. She does not have any speech disorders or disabilities. She's completely healthy: mentally, physically, and emotionally. Kind of."

"What do you mean, kind of?"

[???] "Anybody whose parents divorced would have some kind of reaction to it, Y/N, though, did not. I'm concerned about whether or not she has a sense of remorse."

"From the long description of some of Y/N's character you gave me, that seems to be the case." You grabbed the railings of the stairs as you went down. As Siri continued, you spotted the kitchen and headed towards it.

[???] "The writer never seemed to care about her personality; they were more focused on the scenes and male characters. The fanfic was written to appease their fantasies; they never bothered to see if Y/N was a relatable character or not. Y/N was based on them and only them; the fanfic was written for them and not the readers."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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