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"We really just don't care enough to bother. Is that fine with you, U.A?"

"You didn't have to be so rude about it," Emma huffed, flopping back down onto her bed face first in the corner of their dormitory. Norman snickered at the sight of his pouty sibling, but quickly composed himself enough to unpack his things. "No use dwelling over his poorly worded statements now, we've got homework due tomorrow."

Emma groaned some more, kicking her legs against the mattress like a child would during a temper tantrum. "Couldn't they have waited until next week? We're the new kids!"

"The sports festival is in less than a week," Ray said. "No teacher has time to grade your horrible handwriting while they're in the announcer's box."

"My handwriting isn't horrible!"

"Whatever you say, Emma."


The pro heroes sat dumbfounded at the curved table, still reeling from the harsh words of the Hunter that once stood before them

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The pro heroes sat dumbfounded at the curved table, still reeling from the harsh words of the Hunter that once stood before them. Snipe was the first to speak. "So, it seems like we've finally found a battle we can't win." He took his gun from his holster and started to twirl it between his fingers as a stress reliever, but it didn't do much for those around him.

"I can't believe that kid. Does he not know what respect is?" All Might deflated into his sickly form, angrily spilling blood from his mouth. Aizawa was next to speak, instead coming to his student's defense. "He's a good kid in class, I guess he just isn't good with authority figures." 

"Still, Wildlings? Demons? Queens? Cores? Farms? We have no idea what we're facing here, and the only three with some amount of information on it refuse to tell us." Midnight sighed, resting her forehead onto her folded hands propped up onto the table by her elbows.

 It was a difficult fact to face, but she was right. Not even Nezu knew who their enemies were, and if you don't know what you're up against, there's no way for you to figure out their weaknesses. And what was even more troubling were the children who had all the information. It took All MIght going beyond his full power to even make a dent in the Noumu, yet these Quirkless children had to face multiple of them all on their own. Judging by their words, it was very likely that some didn't even survive.

Still, Ectoplasm cleared his throat and stood. "We cannot back down, no matter what. We're training the next great generation of heroes, we will not sit here and accept defeat from our opponents, no matter who they are. I refuse to pretend it's hopeless when I have not yet tried."

"Ectoplasm-sensei is right!" Thirteen cheered. "We can do this, even if they're scary to fight."

"I appreciate the enthusiasm, Ectoplasm-sensei, Thirteen-sensei. Everyone, try your best to gather as much information as you can. Research old case files you have access to, creatures that even slightly resemble the Noumu and its abilities, even old folktales if you must. Anything is helpful. And remember, 

If you let the students know anything, you're as good as fired."


Hawks stood outside of the President's door patiently, feather's rustling in a mix of emotion

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Hawks stood outside of the President's door patiently, feather's rustling in a mix of emotion. He couldn't really decide if he was afraid, impatient, or excited for the important emergency she had called, but they were emotions, and he was feeling them. The footsteps of three young teenagers echoes through the spacious and empty halls as they turned the corner.

"And so I was super surprised 'cause Ayshe was so kind and quiet! Why would she want to kill Norman and how did she even learn Japanese? Then I was excited 'cause I wanted her to teach me-" a girl chattered two boys' ears off as they neared him, but the boys halted at the sight of him.

"Emma," a boy with a long white jacket hanging off his shoulders and deep black hair called out. "Shut up."

The girl--Emma, was ready to protest, but when her eyes locked onto the winged hero, she held her tongue.

Hawks had many questions, the two most prominent being why the kids were in the HPSC headquarters and why they knew people who had murderous intentions. Then again, people have superpowers. Anything can happen, he supposes. The last boy with white hair waves at him, and he waves back.

The door opens as the President's secretary ushers the four into the office. "I see you've already met each other. Aiko-san, please get me a cup of coffee." The President's powerful voice rings through her huge office. Aiko nods and rushes through the door they entered in, closing and locking it behind her. Hawks' aching feet make him wonder why the President's office is so sparsely decorated when it's so big.

"Hawks-san, meet Emma, Ray, and Norman Ratri, otherwise known as the Full-Score Trio. They are going to be your new colleagues for the League of Villains case."

He froze. "Wait, these kids are the Full-Score Trio? But they're too young to be Hunters!" The President scoffed while the other three remained passive. "We took you on when you were quite young, did we not? I highly doubt you're in the right position to criticize." Hawks was miffed, but took the warning and stepped down. Though the President's face didn't show any sort of emotion, wrinkles shifted as a subtle sign of smugness.

Hawks noticed. She knew that Hawks noticed. Hawks knew this as well, and she took it with internalized glee. A sadistic game so twisted that only she could play it.

The President's pen made small, unnoticeable clicks as she scribbled over pages of paperwork. "These are your partnership forms. Hawks, Ray, you will both sign here and here so we can begin the mission." She made sure to emphasize her words by using the tip of the ballpoint to point out the signature lines. Ray took the offered utensil first, quickly scribbling his identification numbers in the unreadable scrawl of the Demon's native tongue. Hawks wrote his signature with a practiced haste as he would a fan or a reporter.

"Wonderful," she smiled.

Somehow, it was more unnerving than before when her face was unreadable, when nobody could dissect her true intentions.

Emma really wished Sister Krone were here to assist them right about now.

[1100 words]

Remember how I said this was coming Wednesday? I lied, my brain malfunctioned halfway through and I just decided to post an unfinished draft. So what am I gonna do with the remaining pieces? Cut them out and slap them anywhere that they'll fit! Maybe a backstory shot? No clue. Still, writing our lovely Miss President made my bones shiver... New chapter coming Monday (hopefully), stay tuned~ :p

Next time: Villains

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