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Shaka and the chief packed the things we needed on our horses
Hopping onto my horse mercy as my groom got onto his shire
I turn back giving my tribe one last look..before we rode off while we had day light glancing at each other every now then mercy slightly struggled to keep up with shakas shire i make her stop patting her side as she breathed heavily shaking her head side to side
Soon he noticed we stopped
"She alright ?"
"Yeah she'll be fine wont you ole girl.."
"We made goodtime today....we can rest here judging by where I see were at we'll make it tomorrow maybe "
I nodded as we both got off our horses
Setting walking them towards sum trees as we set up our beds to sleep
We watched as the sun set itself into night the moon replacing the bright sky with tiny lights
"How are your bruises..."
"Ill be okay.."
I gentle rubbed my fingers against my side "just abit sore I dont think i really have bruises well minus my jaw but I'll be fine .."
"Neko when i saw him hitting you...you kept protecting your stomach why?..."
He asked this question carefully as i looked at him meeting his gaze
"Im scared ..father says the spirits bless me with a gift a gift only the man im with whom i meant to be with will be able to do...when we ..made love that night" i faint blush appeared on mine and his cheeks
"Something basically told me its granted as many times..i want it to..so..i feel insecure when my belly is shown I feel the need to protect it ..because..i..could be.."
"Baring our future ..."
I solely nodded looking at the ground
"We had a ...moral about that in my tribe.."
I looked up quickly as shaka talked
"I was born from a mans belly ..people tell me my mother was beautiful my father never moved on..i doubted but now with you I would dare question the gods choices .."
I crawled over to him as he welcomed me in his arms
"I promise you..ill protect you and our kin..."
I nodded as we stared at eachother both ...drifting to sleep..

The next morning

I woke up to see shaka staring at me
"Something wrong..."
"No..just taking in how beautiful you are..."
I blushed as he chuckled making me sit up as he did "come lets..go.."
I nodded as we packed up straddled and rode off once more seeing a little colorful spot in the grass shaka turned and smiled at me "almost there!!"
I nodded smiling back of course..but then took a turn for the worse..
Mercy trampled over ..sending me flying a good 3 feet "MERCY!!!"
I screamed with a thud i hit the ground my body bounced off it an good time before hitting it again rolling
"Neko!! " i ignored him looking up quickly ignoring the pain to see mercy laid out "mercy..mercy Oh gods no mercy!!!!!" I struggled to get up so i just crawled over to her pulling her heavy head up over my lap petting her struggling to hold my tears back as they flowed dripping onto her ...
"Mercy...oh hey girl...mercy ..."
I leaned over her crying harder feeling her heart beat slow down then mine shattered as it stopped with her last breath she nudged me as i hugged her
"No no no..come on please..no..."
I shook my head looking at her still body as a hand touched my shoulder i screamed into the sky angrily shaking
Over and over i screamed as he held me to him "Neko breathe!"
"You took her from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I cried out as i gripped mercys mane 
"Neko..breathe...come on take a deep breath"
Shaka whispered to me an i obeyed looking down at my old girl ..petting her gently "shes gone..."
"I'm sorry neko.."
I sighed shakily before pulling a blanket out of her pack covering her up
"She was special?..."
I nodded "had her since she was a little foal ...her mother didnt want her so she was placed in my care...but now...shes called home.."
My lip trembled as i placed one last kiss on her head "my people will.. Bury her with pride..and honor .."
"Thank you.."
He pulled me up carrying me
"You fell..pretty nastily .."
"Ill be fine.."
I glanced at my old girl as i straddled the shire then he did as we began to ride off again ...leaving the last thing i had from my home tribe...behind


"Just dont be scared the men here are as tall as me women are half and your..your just small"
I glared abit elbowing him as his shire lead us in his people crowded the poor horse welcoming thier chief home
But as they saw me they all stepped back like i was a parasite but all looked curious and intrigued with me watching as i hopped off the shire waving abit "h...hello"
"It speaks"
"It does speak"
"Is it weak"
"Does it break easily"
"What did chief bring home "
"Such a small creature "
"Will not work he must look us"
"Yes he must "
I let out a worried laugh backing up meeting shakas front his voice boomed in irritation
"Respect your chieftains bride!!"
I watched as the people sulked back..so i stepped forward looking at everyone
"Its alright shaka..they just havent seen someone as small as me right?"
My smile brightened thier faces as they nodded the children running up to me in awe and curiosity as i held my hand out kneeling before them watching as they touched and grabbed my hand
Soon dragging me along as women of the tribe grabbed onto me too leading me to gods know where..till they giggled "your apart of us right?"
I nodded as the girl spoke
"Lets changed you into one of us "
"Oh dear.."
I muttered hearing shaka laugh at me soon him leading to men into a main hutt to talk about future times and what needed to be done ..

Me and the women

I yelped as i got tossed into a lake surrounded poked scrubbed clean my hair pulled back the sides braided to the best they could be i laughed as they scrubbed my sides leaving no stone unturned the women smiled and giggled at me as I struggled walking out of the lake shaking the water off of me
Seeing all my tribes paint off of my body soon a women named nala pulled me to her hutt pulling me inside placing paint infront of me red and black she was about my size
"Close your eyes "
I obeyed feeling the cool thick paint placed on my cheek in a line then my chin and soon she painted designs on my arms "your one of us now its fitting to make you feel like one of us to make you feel at h--"
"At home..to make me feel at home "
She nodded as we smiled at eachother
Soon she pulled clothes out of a little wooden clay box handing them to me
"Ill help you tie on the red ban if you need it "
I nodded watching as she left to give me privacy ..

Back with the tribe

Shaka walked out of the hutt
"Get her buried "
"Yes chief "
The man nodded as shaka continued to walk wondering what the women did to his beloved soon the men stopped and stared the women giggling a storm as thier heads turned he looked up slowly
His heart skipped a beat as his bride walked down the animal skin clothes gripping onto his body but the waist hung abit loose to allow movement
He placed his fingers against his forehead and away from his body as shaka did
Soon both just staring at eachother
"Does..does my chieftain approve ?.."
"Of course..your breath taking "
Shaka slowly got on his knees pulling neko by his waist to him kissing up his stomach "shaka.."
He received no response making his blush abit as shaka looked up at him
"I love you...my moon..."
"I love you too my stars..."
He picked neko up spinning him as he giggled shaka setting him down soon the war leader Milo walked towards neko "a wife can't not depend on the chieftain ..."
Neko glared as did shaka in warning glancing at his bride as he walked forward his glare greater than Milo
"I'm sharp with a bow..im sharp with a dagger just try me .."
He hissed staring up at milo whom smirked down upon him
"I do not hide in the chieftains shadow nor yours .."
"Neko " shaka called neko disobeyed
"Im new here..i know you see me as a stain..but i promise you im not as fragile as i look ."
"Neko!" Shaka called more sternly watching as he turned walking back to him glancing over his shoulder
"I am the bride of shaka an i will not be treated with disrespect I will show my worth .."
"I would hope "
"Stop it Milo hes not the only one your pissing off"
Milo and him glared before milo walked away shaking his head

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