My favorite part of the year Freedom

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I had never felt relief in my life until it was spring, in the middle of the year. Many people have questioned me why people go on vacation in the midst of the year when they can go on vacation at the end of the year, but I have always responded because spring is pleasant.

Working and studying at the same time is never easy, but nothing is easy in human existence. There is a cost to everything.

Yoongi once questioned me, "Why do you work if it's affecting your academics? Just focus on your studies. You do receive money from your folks." He was correct; my parents always paid me money for rent, tuition, and pocket money, but when I worked, I felt liberated.

It was true that there were times when I felt so stressed out that neither I could focus on my studies nor my work. But isn't it the same with every human being who worked hard, earned money, and studied for a better future?

After all, I always gave a reward to myself like this vacation then why do I need anything else.

"You have reached to Boseong bus station"

From Gwangju to Boseong, it was a very reasonable price. I traveled out of Seoul yesterday and stayed at Hoba's house in Gwangju. He wanted to see his family over the weekend, so I accompanied him and boarded the first bus around 11 a.m, arriving at my destination at around 12.

Walking along the streets beside the green tea planting is the finest scape for your weekend and what can be much better if you just want to relax and breathe fresh air with fresh tea leaf fragrance.

I was going down the road, admiring the beautiful hills blanketed in white fluffy clouds, when I heard a voice calling to me. "Would you like a lift to the top, young boy?" A man in his mid-fifties called me from his van, which appeared to be a transportation van. We were always told as children not to talk to strangers by our parents, but as you become older, you may need to violate that vow. You violate that pledge while working, traveling, or simply sitting in the park, and you don't think it was such a big issue to maintain it.

I had already broken that promise years ago and yet again I was going to break it. I smiled at him nodding my head as a yes to take the lift that he was offering. I had no problem walking all the way to the top but it was not a bad idea to take a lift and enjoy the scenery from a wide-open window.

"I never saw you here before, new to this place?" He asked with his eyes focused on the road. "yes here for a vacation" most of the time I never gave people the right information not because I was scared or something but just never felt like doing it. But today I said what was true and that discomfort inside me was nowhere to be found.

"It's a good thing to be on vacation, it will clear up our mind. My name is Beom-Seok. And yours?"

"Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself, hello I am Kim Namjoon" because I never shared my personal information I forgot to introduce myself to the man who had offered me a lift.

"I must say your choice is really good, this place is really peaceful. Even tourists enjoy it. Tea leaves have just started to grow and are fresh making the air smell good and it is peaceful around here at this time of year" he continued with a never-ending smile on his face. He kind of reminded me of my grandfather who always used to smile and used to get excited if I said anything interesting.

"Where are you staying?" he asked as I was busy gazing outside the open window.

"Jinrae Lee's Traditional House," I said with a smile on my face when I noticed his smile becoming wider.

"wah, you are really good at choosing places, that place feels like home and is so comfortable."

I simply smiled in response to his compliment and sifted my gaze outdoors to the lovely scenery. I had the feeling that if there was a heaven, it was right here. This location was so lovely that I wanted to remain there forever. Greenery abounds, with tiny residences and stores adding to the tranquility. The rest of the ride was rather peaceful with the only sound of the radio playing 'maybe spring' by Yoo Sonho.

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