Chapter 6- Amusement

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"Why would I want nothing to do with you?" I asked, no response was given back. My mom was probably behind this. She sat up and looked up at me, I could tell she was actually upset. I take her hand,

"Those were not words that came from my mouth, I can promise you. I promise you that I never said anything along those lines." She stares for a bit.

"Okay, Onceler, I trust you." She used my hand to pull her up from bed. 

"I already picked you out an outfit to wear, we are gonna do so many fun things today. I heard that Thneedville was having an in-town amusement park, we could go to that." Her face lit up, I guess I made that right suggestion. I picked a dark green crop top/shirt for her to wear and a pair of black ripped jeans. I let her pick a pair of shoes of her own. We leave my office and go down to my jet landing. 

"Why do you have a private jet for us to take? The place is 20 minutes away." She asked and I smiled at her.

"Why sit in a car for 20 minutes when you can sit in a jet for 2 minutes?" She groaned and rolled her eyes. We get in the jet and I could already see her eyes were lit up by the interior. We got to the amusement park in a matter of minutes and I got out first to help her out. 

"We already paid for tickets and since I'm famous and rich, I get to cut everyone in line." I tried to impress her with it but she didn't seem interested and just groaned. We walk in and the massive roller coaster going over her head already made her jump. 

"Are you scared of rollercoasters? I'm surprised." 

"I'm not scared of them! That one just startled me..." She huffed. I pointed to the biggest rollercoaster that was there,

"Okay, ride that one with me then," I smirked at her and I could see the nervousness in her eyes. 

"Oh.. that one? I don't think I'm tall enough!" She smiled and nervously laughed. 

"You're tall enough, anyone 5 feet and up can ride." I grinned at her and she groaned. She agreed with me to ride it. As we were waiting to go on, I could tell she was getting nervous 

"What's wrong, scared?" I laughed at her, she didn't answer, only looked at the coaster. We were next, we sat next to each other and I could tell she was worried. She grabbed my man and held it tight,

"I'm gonna hold on in case I fall off, you know?" Her staling and hiding being scared are funny to me. 

"Okay, the ride will now start, have fun." The obvious impatient employee spoke into the speaker. The engines powered up and the ride slowly started to move. I looked over at y/n and saw her eyes closed tightly. We down our first drop and she screamed, she opened her eyes only to see that we were going up the biggest hill on the rollercoaster. 

"It's okay Y/N, you're okay." I try to assure her but she kept shaking her head no.

"No, I will die and I'm ready for that to happen," She screamed as we went down the hill. I started to laugh, why was she so scared? As the ride was about to end, she let go of my hand. We got off the ride and I could tell her vision was blurry.

"Wow, that was nothing! I could do that over and over again. But, I'd rather do another ride!" She flipped her hair and went ahead of me. She pointed to a scrambler type ride,

"That one is perfect! Let's do this one!" I had to run after her because she ran ahead of me. We get in one of the carts like things and close it and buckle our seat belt. The employee made sure we were all safe and she started the ride.

"Omg, what if our cart flies off and we die?" Y/n joked with me, I could tell she was having a good time. Her having a good time and smiling are all I need in my life. The ride eventually ends and we decided to get ice cream. I order mine and sit down, I let y/n wait cause she can never decide what she wants. The cashier flirts with her, talks about how y/n picked his favorite flavor and how y/n has good taste. I get up and tell y/n I have to make a call. I leave the ice cream place and call one of my security guards, 

"Hello, I need someone taken care of. It's an employee from the amusement park that is in town. The ice cream place is called 'Warlooffule Ice Cream' and the employee's name is Sean. Thank you and I know you won't let me down." I end the call not caring what my security guard was about to say. I went back in and sat with y/n, the employee went on break and was replaced by another worker. Perfect. 

"So, what flavor did you get y/n?" I asked her, looking at my mint chocolate chip scoop.

"Oh, I decided to get a simple twist of chocolate and vanilla." She shrugged and ate her food. We sat together and ate, still no sign of the employee.

"So, what was the call about?" She asked me and I kept eating.

"Oh, My mom wanted to check up on me! You know how much she cares for me." I smiled. She smiled back and we finished our ice cream. We rode and few more different rides, we decided to go the Ferris wheel last. We looked over at the sunset, the orange, yellow, and pinks reminded me of a certain type of tree. She looked over at me and smiled. Not just a genuine smile, a smile that showed love, a smile of true happiness and no problems, no reasons to be sad. The Ferris wheel lowered and we got off, this memory will be a memory that I cherish. 

We leave the park, my jet picking us up and taking us back. I took y/n back to her room,

"Thank you, Oncie, for this night." She hugged me. Oncie? Hugging me? She grabbed some sleeping clothes,

"Okay, let me change into this real quick." She sneaked past me and into the bathroom. I looked around her room and noticed her desk. Her desk had more things on it, a silver heart necklace. I walk to her desk and pick up the necklace and open it. It was a locket, a small I love you note inside. She had a clear bottle of perfume, rose-scented. 

She had a red pen and a piece of notebook paper along with an envelope

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She had a red pen and a piece of notebook paper along with an envelope. It was a letter she was writing a letter, but to who? I looked at the letter, there was no name addressing it to anyone. I looked at the letter to read what it said. 


Sorry, for any grammatical errors, and the cliffhanger :)

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