The sorting.

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"So, I'm Mairah, and this is Claire (she motioned to the girl next to her with bleach blonde hair and hazel eyes). And this (motion to girl with black bobcut and green eyes), is Pansy. She's like the leader of our group." I liked them already. "Have you heard," I asked. "Harry Potter is on this train!" They gaped at me. "Let's go see," Pansy said.
We got up and walked down the corridors, ignoring the girls staring at us. As we opened a door, there he was, Harry Potter himself!!! Up close, he looked just like the rest of us, but more, scraggly. "Oh, my God," Mairah squealed. "Who should we tell first? " "Draco," Pansy said shortly. "Coming?" "Yeah," I said. "I am."
Down the hall again and into a compartment with an extremely attractive boy with pale eyes and slicked back blonde hair sat, with two large boys next to him. "Draco," Pansy said adoringly. "Potter's on this train!" He smirked at his friends, obviously his cronies. "I'll go see," he said. "Stay here and wait." So that was Draco. I know I said I was in love with Potter, but Draco was a whole new deal. "He's a dream," I said to Claire. "Isn't he?" She replied. "Every girl in Slytherin is in absolute LOVE with him." "My family was in Slytherin," I said. "All Death Eaters too. I hope I'm in Slytherin. "
We changed into our robes and I straightened my tie. "Well," I said to Pansy. "How do I look?" "Absolutely fabulous," she replied. "And me?" I didn't have time to answer because we were filed off the train. "Firs' years over here please, " I heard the voice and saw a positively GIANT man. "It's the oaf," Pansy scoffed. "Don't get involved with his crowd." "Should we not get involved with Har-- I mean Potter's crowd either? " I asked shyly. "I mean, what a load of rubbish, him defeating the Dark Lord." I was a firm Death Eater myself. We got on the boats and sailed to Hogwarts.
When we got there, a stern woman, not to be reckoned with, led us to a room. Empty really. Ghosts flew in and out if the room whenever they pleased, so I got used to it fast. We entered the Great Hall, and were lead to an old, moldy hat. I hated my full name so when Lauretta Juliard was called, I blushed a lot. People gaped, probably have heard of my fathers name. I went and sat on the stool, and the hat was placed on my head. It mumbled in my ear. So, a Death Eater, eh? Must be-- "SLYTHERIN!" I was relieved, but I could see Potter looking at me intensly. His ginger friend also stared. I glared at the friend and smiled at Potter. But he didn't smile back, so I looked at Draco. He gestured for me to sit by him, and I gladly obliged.

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