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Lukas felt... Hot. Not just hot, burning. He smelt smoke. He tried to move, but he couldn't. He opened his eyes. It was night time, and there was people surrounding him. They were all angry, yelling things 'kill him' over and over again. It was only then when the Norwegian took account of what was happening. He couldn't move because he was tied up. Ropes bounded him to a wooden stake, so tight he couldn't move. The smoke he smelt came from the fire that had just been lit beneath his feet. It trailed up the wood like a snake, and was now burning him.

"W-wait, stop! Let me go!" He exclaimed, trying to get loose, though it was to no avail. They all looked angry at Lukas, like he'd done something wrong.

"No. We aren't going to have the evil forces of magic in this town. Lukas Bondevik, you've been charged with witchcraft. Because of that, you must die." Said one of the villagers.

"D-die? Please, stop this! I'm innocent, I promise! I'll leave and never bother any of you again, I promise! Please, just let me go!"

The only reactions he got was more yelling. Yelling for him to die

Lukas coughed on the smoke that seeped into his lungs like a poison, replacing the oxygen that he needed. He could feel his skin burning, it hurt like hell. The Norwegian closed his eyes, feeling warm tears begin to trail down his cheeks. "Stop, stop... Just please, stop." The last thing that Lukas heard was yelling before everything went black.

"Lukas, Lukas, wake up!"

His eyes shot open again. Someone was shaking him. The Norwegian sat up, finding a much too familiar face. It was Mathias, he'd shaken Lukas awake. It was just a nightmare. He didn't say a single word, instead just threw his arms around the Dane.

"Lukas, you're shaking."

Lukas pulled away from Mathias. It was true. He brought a hand up to his cheeks, they were wet. It appeared he'd been crying, too. That was all it took for him to start crying again.

Mathias' face softened; this wasn't the first time something like this had happened.

"Did you have one of the dreams again?" He asked, reaching over to hold Lukas' hand, receiving a small nod from the Norwegian. Mathias leaned over, wrapping his arms around the smaller male. He began to whisper things into the other's ear in an attempt to comfort him. Though only one really stuck to Lukas: "It's only a dream, it's not real."

Lukas pulled away from Mathias again, wiping his eyes as he looked at the Dane, his eyes like deep pools of utter distress. He opened his mouth to speak, only four words coming from it. They were soft and cracked.

"But it was real.... "

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