C H A P T E R O N E P O I N T T H R E E: School sucks.

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This school is freaking me the fuck out. We haven't even made it to the admissions office, and everyone already knows my brother and sister's names. Even the people here think they're awesome and beautiful. I'm not complaining. Really I'm not. I'm impressed, actually.

The halls are littered with students, short, tall wide and small alike. All of them are chattering happily about their break away.

"Stacy!" I see a small blonde jump another girl, kissing her lips passionately. The taller girl wraps her hands around the smaller one's middle. I glance at my sister, knowing she'd be happy to not have to hide her sexuality here.

Xav walks over to my side and whispers: "I think this is what we need, Kell, we all need this," He throws his arm over my shoulder and I back at him, distracted.

"So, did you popular people figure out where the admissions office is yet?" It's a serious question, cause I for shit don't know.

"Oh, yeah, no it's just down the hall and to the left, big ass sign that says, principle's slash admissions' office." I look at him, impressed. And anxious, cause how the fuck did he make friends so quick and find all that out.

"Great! Let's go," Laurie slings her arm around my other shoulder, and I feel them link arms, I wrap my own around their middles, for support. As much as we annoy each other, we had each other's backs. Laurie looks at me, seriously: "You have your inhaler?" I nod, as if I was the younger sibling.  "And your multi-book?" I nod again.

The multi-book was kinds like the infinity stones in avengers, each category in the book represented something special. This was my soul stone, I snicker quietly to myself. I'm a hoot.

We make it to the office, walking at a unhurried pace. We greet the receptionist, each in our own way. Here's how my brother made an enemy, my sister became the teacher's pet and how I became the neutral fly on the wall.

"So, this is the admissions office? Looks more like a messier version of a classroom. Or Laurie's room." That earned him a scowl from both the receptionist, and my sister. And a laugh from me. He wasn't wrong.

"I'm sorry, Miss..." She glances down at the pin on her shirt, "Evergreen. My brother is an idiot." My sister smiles a disarming smile, one that always works. And it never disappoints, I see Miss Evergreen's cold stare evaporate, and all I feel is amused right now. She really was good.

"It's quite alright, dear, as offensive as those words were, if you guys want to survive here, you have to have backbone." Miss Evergreen is still staring daggers at Xav, though. So it's not 'quite alright'.

"Hello Miss Evergreen, we just want our schedules please." I manage a smile, but surprise, surprise. I get ignored again. I wasn't even short ( I was a good five foot six, thank you very much ). Unnoticeable,  though.

My brother notices and comes to my saving. "Hey Miss E, you missed an important person in the room, my sister Kelly. She even tried getting your attention." He then points in my direction.

Miss Evergreen looks at me for the first time and startles as if I wasn't in the room the whole time, but actually a ghost. I leave it though, but give a half hearted, albeit sheepish, finger wave. An awkward smile accompanies it too.

I hear her whisper 'fuck' and it takes all self control to not burst into fits of giggles and from the looks from my siblings like they're in a similar position.

I hear sneakers squeaking and then a mop of brown hair appears in the door, I look curiously at the boy, he peers out from under his longish hair, and the most striking green I've ever seen looks back at me. It can't be...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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