As The World Caves In

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"Diana... Diana!"

Diana couldn't see who was trying to shake her and call out for her, but her immediate instinct was to see who she wanted to see. His sparkling blue eyes, the way his blonde hair glimmered every time he stepped into the sun, the way he held onto her shoulders so firmly... that could only be one person.
"Erwin?" Her voice was meek as she called his name, thinking that it was too good to be true. He's still alive and walking around, right? He's still... here?

"No!" Slowly, the voice who she thought it would be dissipated into the real one. It was higher pitched, terrified and just wanted to go home. That definitely wasn't Erwin. No matter what was happening, he would never be scared. "It's me, Floch!"
Upon hearing who it was, the sparkle in the short haired girl's eyes disappeared as quickly as it came. She merely responded with a quiet 'oh...' before going back to staring down at the ground.

That's right... how could she forget? Erwin was right there beside her like he always was. The only difference this time was that he was not breathing.

"Come on!" Floch desperately cried out as he kept his blade back in its sheath. He grabbed onto her arm and attempted to pull her up off the ground that was stained with the blood of his fellow soldiers, his teammates, his friends. He wanted to mourn for them, he wanted to drop down and cry for everyone that suffered here in this very battlefield because of that stupid Beast Titan... but he can't. There were much more important things to worry about, and they were on a time limit. "We have to get the Commander to Captain Levi before we lose him!"

"Why?" There was not much of a reaction from the usually excitable and determined royal. She had just witnessed everyone except for her, the useless member of the pack, die. "Isn't he already gone? What's the point in trying to save-"


Diana's left cheek stung as the auburn haired male's hand delivered a slap to bring her back to reality. "Wake up!" He cried out with an angered look present on his face. The amber eyed royal could only look at him with wide eyes. "Didn't you even bother to check if he was alive?!" Without hesitating even once, Floch changed his grip from her arm to her hand and placed it right above Erwin's mouth. A slight passing of air came out of it, and if she listened closely, she can hear him breathing.

The light in her amber eyes came back as she jerked her body away from the young soldier and leaned her ear on his chest. She can feel and hear a heartbeat, but only faintly. "Erwin! Can you hear me?!" She cried out, finally letting her held back tears spill out. "You're alive... you're alive!"
"Not for long," Floch muttered as he pulled the hysterical girl away from the Commander. "We have to hurry and get the injection from the Captain. He's the only one who can save humanity."

Taking a closer look at the blonde haired male was difficult. It was a terribly gruesome sight to behold. Besides his already missing arm, his insides were spilling out because of the Beast Titan's onslaught of attacks, but that injection that Floch had mentioned... yes, that might just be the key to giving Erwin another shot at saving everyone.

"This injection will turn anyone into a Titan." This was days before everyone went to go retake Shiganshina District and the entirety of Wall Maria. Before everyone could relax and eat the food given to them, Erwin showed off something that Levi had received from Kenny Ackerman before his death. He stole something from the now deceased Rod Reiss... and that was an injection that could turn anyone into a Titan. "The Titan you will become are the ones we're used to disposing of, those that have no intelligence. However, by using this injection right, we can steal the Power of the Titans, gain more knowledge and..."

"Bring someone on the brink of death back to life." Diana muttered to herself. If she and this rookie find Levi in the shortest amount of time possible, then there was a chance that they could bring Erwin back and have him continue his reign as the greatest and strongest Commander the Scouts ever had. They just needed to find him, and knowing his relationship with the blonde, there was no chance he was going to hesitate in handing over the serum.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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