Chapter Nine

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"Well, seems like Sookie was right after all," Rory said. "With Luke around we really were twice as fast moving all the boxes into the house."

"And with Jess helping out as well, it's like they didn't need our help at all," Lorelai added.

"What help?" Jess asked gruffly. "Each of you four ladies carried in one box and you've been making yourselves comfortable in the living room ever since."

Mom, Lorelai, Rory and I grinned at him innocently. "We didn't want to stand in your way," I told my cousin.

"Jess don't even try it. We're officially outnumbered now." Dad shot Jess an exasperated look. "It's no use."

"Fine. We have one more load to carry in after this one. Would one of you be so kind as to get us something cool to drink for when we're finished?" my cousin asked.

"I'll get right on it," Mom said and headed into the kitchen.

"Thank you," Jess said and left to put the box away.

"So, April honey. You excited for your 'Welcome to Stars Hollow'-party tonight?" Lorelai asked.

"I really am," I admitted. As much as I was already starting to miss my mom, I was also really happy to officially be a part of this crazy little town after today. "How many people are coming again?"

"Well," Rory said sheepishly. "I know we just planned on a small gathering – you know, Sookie, Jackson and their kids; Lane, Zack and their kids; Grandma and Grandpa. But somehow word got round that you were moving in this weekend and about the party and well ..."

"How many?" I asked nervously.

"Well," Lorelai started counting names off on her fingers. "Lane told Gil and Brian and Sookie told Michel. Miss Patty picked it up at the diner and told Babette who is going to bring Morey, of course. Babette then told Taylor who told Kirk who told Lulu who told ... well, you get the picture, don't you?"

"So basically all of Stars Hollow?"

"Pretty much, yeah. Sorry, honey." Lorelai shot me an apologetic look.

"It's fine. Actually, I'm feeling pretty honored they all want to welcome me to their town." I grinned at the two of them, sucessfully making them laugh.

"That's the spirit, sis." Rory suddenly got a sad look on her face. "I'm sorry I'm not gonna be here."

"Hush you!" I told her. "You have the best excuse anyone could ever have. And you and Jess had your date set way before we started planning the party. I would be mad if you canceled the date because of me." Lorelai burst out laughing. After pestering Rory about her upcoming date and her feelings about it for the whole week, Lorelai and I had finally gotten her to admit that she was really looking forward to it two days ago. And I would be damned if this long-awaited date would be postponed because of me.

"Plus remember, I had originally planned this party as a 'Welcome to Stars Hollow'-party for both April and Jess?" Lorelai asked. "And remember what he said?"

"And I stand by it!" Jess yelled before coming into the room. "It's not my kind of thing. Sorry, Lorelai. I know you meant well."

"It's totally fine, Jess," she assured him. "And you can admit that you'd far rather spend the evening with only my daughter instead of all of Stars Hollow."

"Well, it's not like I can disagree with that!" Jess called as he disappeared out the front door again.

"Okay okay, I'm going. Don't worry." Rory blushed. "I'm really excited for tonight, but I'm still sorry we're gonna miss the party."

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