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It was pouring down, and we had just left the bus. We walked side by side in silence with our heavy hoodies clinging to us. Roads were torrents meaning cars caused tidal waves to crash onto us. The lamppost's light danced off the water. We walked for a while still silent until we turned down a dark and secluded alley. It seemed nothing reached down here except the moons soft glow as the lampposts light had been left far behind. It was narrow so I followed behind the towering friend in front. He was hunched over, clearly cold as was I but didn't show it any other way. His face was always stoic. His beautiful brown eyes shone with the covering of rainwater. His wet fur hued from him.

"So... weird question but I haven't asked in a while. Do you have a crush on anyone?" He said with his silky voice alluring as always.
"Umm... ha no?" I answered.
"Huh. Are you interested in anyone?"
"No" I lied.
"Are you?" I followed.
"No as well" He answered.

After this break in silence, I took the opportunity to continue to converse. We talked the usual shit: life, economy, school. We'd now left the abandoned alley and was walking through deserted housing estates. What do you expect at 3 am?

I was extremely tired as lugging my soaked clothes was hard. I was also shivering as the rain had penetrated all my layers and had got into my spine. Harrison, the friend, was still indifferent. But we were nearly home. However, he had slowed and saw me holding myself shivering. He reach around and squished me into his somehow warm figure. I returned the favour and put my paws round him. We were now walking down the streets holding each other. I hated to admit it but I was loving it. After awhile we finally we're insight of Garrison's flat block. I was happy to get in the warm but also sad to not be in Garrisons arms any longer.

"Your place is miles away, you can crash at my place until I drive you home tomorrow once we've got through the hangover" He chuckled whilst hopping into the empty and cold lobby.
I just shrugged and followed him into the elevator. We went to the 7th floor and went left down a stereotypically bland hallway dripping gallons onto the carpets. We eventually reached number 54 and stopped. Harrison fumbled around for his keys and found them. He unlocked and swung the door open. I'd come here before so I already know the layout:
Bathroom on the left as you enter.
Further on, hard tiles into the kitchen again on the left.
Infront is the living room with windows at the back looking over a busy road.
And finally to the right a walled of bedroom the same size as the living room.

Is it weird that I mesmerised the place? Shrug?

"Don't soak my carpet. Strip and dry-off before sitting down." He demanded as we reached the kitchen.

I froze. Naked? In front of him?

"Dibs on the bathroom!" I shouted.
"Cunt." He responded. Sometimes he makes me wonder whether that's his favourite word.

I rushed in and locked the door to begin peeling off my clothing.

"Where should I put my clothes?" I asked through the wall.
"Just leave them, I'll throw them in the dryer tomorrow" Tomorrow! Does he expect me to be naked until tomorrow?

However, I did as so and then dried my fur with a towel. I went all poofy and looked like a hairball. Afterwards, I wrapped the towel round my waist and exited the bathroom.

"Ok, your tur-" Harrison was standing in the kitchen... with nothing on! His front was facing the counter but I could still see his tight ass clenched, covered by his long flowing slick tail. His muscular legs looked crushing and his back was a work of art.
"Oh don't worry, I don't need it. However, I do need that towel, I've only got one in the house." He answered reading my mind.

What do I do? I can't give him my towel, then I'll be naked and I won't be able to hide my hard on. I turned around and undid my towel as I had to give it to him. I threw it at him and walked to the sofa.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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