Spooky Scary Dan Howell

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Summary: Dan blasts "Spooky Scary Skeletons" to throw himself into the Halloween spirit, though is caught in the act of dancing by Phil.

Tags: nada

Genre: flufff

see what I did in the title
ba dum tsss



The music was on full volume. Dan moved his arms rapidly, twirling. By now he was just flailing in place, nearly hitting his arm on everything within 3 feet.


The door creaked open, and his roommate/fiancé stared at Dan's actions. He had to contain a laugh, which was quite impossible for a man like Phil Lester.


Phil made his way in, now laughing to the point he was clenching his stomach. He lowered the volume on the boom box, and Dan spun on his heel. His face turned multiple shades of red (about 50) as he laughed nervously.

"What was that?" Phil choked out, hysterics lightening.

"Uh.." Dan looked around his room. He saw the weights under his bed and stated simply: "A workout."

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