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"You both are ready?" Namjoon asked as he parked his car at the parking lot of the university.

"yes hyung we are more than ready"Soobin said.

"good ,now both of you listen, I want both of you to be at your best today

cause you know that first impressions are surely the one that stays in the person's mind forever be it a mortal,believer or non believer and,

yes ofcourse you can eventually let it loose and so your buffoonery after a while.

Believe me when I say this that you'll need this lecture. "

" hyung we get it and also we'll never disappoint you ,ever" Namjoon's eye softens at soobin's words

"I know bin-ah but it's better to have a head start right ?" Kai felt so lucky to have Namjoon and soobin in his life .

He was only 5 when his parents were killed for power at that time kai was scared lonely and depressed but that's when Namjoon and Jin came and rescued him.

They noticed his power when he tried to protect himself and immediately tried to calm him down.

They took him home where he met soobin who was only 7 at that time but he felt that kai was the cutest thing on this planet and it hurt soobin to see him so sad and that's when soobin decided that he would give his all to protect kai and make him happy and he surely kept his word kai thought with a smile.

"kai what are you thinking " soobin asked.

That's how kai was pulled out of his reverie and came back at the present he saw that he was already in the halls and without any further ado he replied

"nothing hyung ,I was just thinking that there must be a way to the principal's office right ?"

"oh, Namjoon hyung told me that in the assembly hall there's list of students on the green board and from there if we are in the top 10 we'll be taken to the principal's cabin and will be guided further there" soobin said while Huening kai was typing something

" what are you typing kai?"

"Oh that's nothing just replying to the comments on my post".

It was true that the both of them were not mortals but they did operate with the mortal technology because as believers they had to learn and adjust to the mortals as that's what Goddess earth created and technology was just a part of it.

Now of course the non believers would absolutely shun anything related to mortals as they believed that the mortals were a waste of space and never believed in Goddess earth's phenomena of the mortals.

And that's just because of their greed of control and hunger of power over the mortals just because of their boon given to them by the gods.

And other than that believers found it extremely convenient to use mortal technology as it was a lot more cost and power effective than the blue birds and the birds were only used for extra extra confidential purposes rather than every day conversations.

On social media they just kept their accounts private and it was extremely safe and secure that the mortals would never be able to hack it as it was done by the ministry itself.

"Oh and hyungiee thanks for that last photo I got a lot of compliments for it" kai said gratefully.

"oh please kai, you are saying as if those compliments and thirst comments won't come even if you just spam them with literally nature photos" soobin said rolling his eyes.

As they were speaking they entered the assembly hall and there were several boards displaying the list so there wasn't any crowded line.

They immediately went to the nearest board and saw the list themselves.

"omg hyuka!! We made it to the top 5" Soobin squealed.

"Let's check the the toppers too hyung" kai asked excitedly.

"Ohh, this year really someone got 97.98% " soobin say in wonder.

" Well his name is Choi Beomgyu hyung he must have studied his ass off , anyways it says to wait here for the announcement at 11.30 and after that they'll ask the toppers to head towards the teachers lounge"

He checks his phone

"It's  11.23 right now let's wait here till then"

"hmm" kai replied.

They stood there chatting for a while regarding this and that.

In this midst of all of that there was an announcement made.

"Good morning students , congratulations to all the students present here as the passed the ever so difficult entrance exam to enter the prestigious Jin Hit University.

We hope that all of you excel in your power fields in the upcoming years with the help of the knowledge you gain here.

Once again congratulations to all.

Now the names which I call out are stay here and the rest of the students shall leave for the dorm and the name of the students which I'm gonna call are the top 10 students of this year so i would request all of you to applaud each and every student.

Nashimura Riki with 80.67%"

A thunderous applause broke out as the calm voice made the announcement and the saw a tall lanky kid being congratulated and the voice continued

" Lee Heesueng with a score of 81.42%"

They saw that the lanky kid rushed towards him and engulfed him in a hug making it obvious that they were really close.

"Yang Jungwon with 81.78%"

A small boy emerged from a crowd as they were congratulating him.

"Kim Sunoo with 82.92%"

the voice boomed and the said students made his way forward thanking everyone who congratulated him.

"Park Jisoo with 83.58%"

They saw a petite girl coming forward with a smile as she was bowing down for everybody.

"Choi Yeonjun with 84.45%"

everyone one applauded but apparently the male wasn't present but the voice continued.

Soobin held hyuka's hand and smile towards him knowing that his name is gonna be called.

" Huening Kai with 84.56%"

The voice announced and immediately soobin hugged him.

The others getting the idea that he was Huening Kai too started congratulating him and he made his was forward where all the top students were standing and was now waiting for Soobin to join him.

" Choi Soobin with 88.69%"

the voice boomed again and soobin made his way forward smiling shyly and as he joined kai and ofcourse kai proudly hugged the male tightly as he was proud of the elder

" Kang Taehyun with with 90.43%"

The mentioned boy came forward with a nonchalant face and was bowing to everyone who congratulated him.

" And lastly our topper this year who broke the last years record by scoring 97.98% Choi Beomgyu"

there was a huge applause for this guy as everyone was wondering who this guy was but just like yeonjun this guy wasn't present here.

'Are these guys late, cause it doesn't seems like it' kai thought
'maybe it's just my bard senses working up'.

Since he was a teenager it was a normal thing for bards that there senses were extra sensitive in these years.

"Thanks a lot to all the students who congratulated these students now you may head towards your dorms and make sure that you find you identification card beside your bunk if it's not present there be sure to report it to the office thank you once again."

The voice boomed for the last time as all the students begun to make their way towards their dorms.

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