Chapter 1

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I stand next to Dani at the premiere of Insurgent. And London of course is just so damn pretty that it takes my breath away. I love this place. I would move here in a heartbeat but I don't think I could ever be that far away from Chicago, Illinois. I'm just weird like that I guess. Then again a lot of people never want to leave there hometowns. Even though the might say differently. You always have a pull to your hometown. Dani looks at me then she reaches into her clutch and takes her phone out.

"Smile" I do and she takes a picture of the two of us.

"We look amazing" I laugh and shake my head at her she smiles at me

"So what are your plans after this?" I look at her

"After the movie" she shakes her head

"Really" I look at her

"I don't know go see my sister and family. I mean vie got nothing that is keeping me from not doing that" I say and she looks at me

"Really you don't want to get back with a certain person here tonight at all" I look at her

"I thought we wouldn't talk about this" I say and she looks at me

"We aren't" I roll my eyes

"Have you two even talked about it or talked at all?" I shake my head

"Yes we have talked. But what is there to talk about? The age and all of this was just way too much to deal with" I say and she looks at me

"Mary I have known you for a while now" I look at her

"I know you don't give up that easily" I sigh

"Well this time I had no choice but to give up I guess" I say and she nods slowly Theo and Shailene come over to us

"That was awesome!" I laugh at Shailene's comment

"Oh here is your jacket" I say and she smiles bright

"Thank you for holding it Mary" I nod and she hugs me tight

"Sit next to me?" I look at her

"I was going to sit next to Dani" I say and she looks at Dani

"Is it okay if I steal her for the night" I glance at her sideways for a moment

"It's all good. Steal her away for the night." I grunt in my head. Thanks Dani really. Shailene smiles bright then grabs my arm I look back at Dani and all she does is wave at me as I see Mykela walk up next to her. Oh for fuck sakes she just threw me in the shark tank without a second thought

"Is that is okay" I look at her

"Oh now you want to know if I'm okay with it" I say as we turn a corner away from Theo

"If this is about Theo then I am going to go sit with the girls" I say and she stops me

"Mary come on" I look at her

"Shia you know the fucked upness that is Theo and I. can we just not do this at a premiere please" I say and she looks at me

"You're still sitting next to me. Doesn't mean you have to talk to Theo" I look at her

"If it's weird and awkward I'm blaming you" I say and she just looks at me

"Okay" I look at her weird for a moment then walks in with her. I take her coat and clutch again she walks up to the stage. I drape her coat over the back of her chair. I fix my dress then looks at Robert, Veronica, Shai and Theo. I look at my hands when my eyes land on Theo. I feel my phone buzz. I grab it and I look at the text from Mykela

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