Chapter four

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Hey guys can please vote and comment or I'll lose motivation:) thanks

Simon: Tuesday 11:35 PM

Seeing him sit there in that chair, he is shaking. I just want to punch August in his face.

I know that it's what they do with almost all interns on their first day but he's a prince. He could be in danger all the time. He probably thinks they want him for ransom or something like that. He could think that this is the end or something like that.

I didn't want to come to the party in the first place. I wasn't really invited either to. But they needed alcohol. And I need friends.

I don't want to be known as the dealer of the school but I really just want to fit in here. So I went to my dad to get it, I know he deals. That's part of the reason why we left him.

That's part of why I'm here in this school. And also apparently why I am here, at the surprise party for Prince Wilhelm.

I see that they already untied him. That's my sign to go to the bar, and get drunk. I just wanted to make sure that they didn't do anything to him.

I push away people that are standing in my way. I've been here at the bar  for about 30 minutes now and it's way too overcrowded here. I need to get some fresh air.

I walk out of the crowd, pushing and pulling people to get trough. It's hot in here, sweaty. And I'm drunk. I feel like I could pass out any minute if I don't get fresh air.

I finally make it to the almost empty hallway, there are just some people making out here. I walk past them as quick as I can, I don't want to disturb anything.


I turn around.

Prince Wilhelm? What is he doing here? Following me?

He walks up to me and grabs my wrist. His hand, firm and strong. I don't know why but I've always had a thing for beautiful hands. He definitely has them.

"Let's go trough here." He says while pulling me by my hand towards the window. And we both climb trough.

Still holding my wrist he yanks me trough the bushes besides the building that we were just partying in.

My legs are a little unsteady from all the beers that a had in just 30 minutes, I lost count. And running while being drunk is not a great idea.

My face meets the ground. Shit, I fell.

Great first impression you Dick.

I push myself up from the ground with my hands but I'm not strong enough. I fall again.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you okay?" Prince Wilhelm says, he looks concerned, why?

"I'm fine, just drank a little too much, I think."

I sit down since I'm too unstable to walk. I look down at the ground, I feel kinda dizzy. I bring my knees up to my chest so that I can rest my head on them.

When I find the energy to look up again, I see nobody. No Prince. Not a single person. Had he just walked away?

Yes Simon, what did you expect. That a prince, Royalty, will stay with someone that looks like a junk. Someone who drank so much that they can't even walk anymore. What was I thinking

"Here drink this, it's water." I hear a voice from my left catching its breath. They probably ran or something.

I look up to grab the water. It's Wilhelm, he came back.

"Thanks." I say as I open the water bottle and start drinking.

After a minute or two of silence I decide to break it. "Why did you come back?"

"What? You were laying here, almost passing out. What was I supposed to do? Leave you here?" He chugs and smiles.

But the smiles quickly disappears. "I'm a Prince, not some cruel person who doesn't care about anyone who is not Royalty."  He seems kind of mad now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't  mean—"

"Why does everybody keep apologizing to me?!" He grabs his hair with both of his beautiful hands. "I just thought that you... I just want.." He is walking rounds around me. Ice bearing, I think

"You want to be a person." I finish and he stops walking. "I understand.. You want to be someone more than just the Prince." 

He looks at me. Has anger turning into something soft.

He looks to the spot next to me and decides to sit. "I'm so tired of people treading me like someone better than them. I'm not." He sounds like he's crying. But I can't see any tears on his face.

"Hey," I grab his face with my hand, making his gaze meet mine. "Your not less nor more of a person than I am okay?"

He looks at my hand, holding his cheek. And I realize that our faces are really close, noses almost touching.

Shit, this is weird. I just fucked up the whole thing.

"Wilhelm?!" We hear someone shout. "Wilhelm where are you?"

I take the sudden distraction to get hand off of his face and pretend like it didn't happen. Putting my hand back where it was resting on my knees before.

"Wilhelm!" I whisper shout, pretending to be one of the people shouting his name. "Prince Wilhelm we need youuu!" I continue mocking him, and start laughing.

"Shhh, shut up!" He laughs  back.

"Prince Wilhelm!!"

"I said stop!!" He grins, he pushes my shoulders back, making them meet the ground. Then he quickly gets on top of my and puts his hand on my mouth. Making me completely shut up.

I could still yalk if I want to. But I can't get a single noise. HE is on top of ME. What. The. Hell

When the people are gone he releases his hand from my mouth. But he stays on top of me.

I look at his face. He is confused I think. Or maybe he is realizing something.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" He says.

"What?!" I say confused, is he joking? I look at his face but he is completely serious. "Yeah, sure"

Well guys what do you think?

If you have any suggestions, don't be shy and let me know:)


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