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(This is a story about a girl who felt she wasn't supposed to be with a boy )
Ever since I was around the age of 10 I never felt attracted to men but more women every time I went to school I would find myself staring at a girl during class . I never told enyone that I was attracted to girls but some people in my class would ask me " are u gay?" I would just stare and say " i don't think so " or "that's non of ur business "

But one day ... A girl by the name of zane (she has long black hair and blacky-blue eyes and a slim Body)

(She had the seat next to her )

Every time she would look at me I would blush and look away but when ever I looked at her she would look back at her book after smiling at me

We have hanged out every now and again but nothing physical.

Once she asked me to go round to her house with some of her friends to watch a movie and play video games and I obviously I said yes but when I got their she opens the door and hugged me and said "Hi babe" I was so confused but hugged her back.

We sat and watched the movie and ... she LAYED ON MY LEG and when we played video games I sat on the floor she sat on my lap ( ray is taller) .

When I got to school I sat in my seat and then zane came in and sat down in her seat at break I got her alone and I asked her " what was yesterday about ? Why did u call me babe ? And why did- she kissed me and I-I kissed back we ended up making out in the play ground beside the school .

Not one but the otherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora