Chapter 1

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The girl sat on the couch of her house as she watches tv and looks at her hand thinking about things before hearing something. An intruder? She hoped not. The long, dirty blond hair girl sighs as her blue eyes scan the area. Without making a sound, as not to disturb anyone, Error slowly makes his way in the house. She hummed softly and looks at the television before laying down enjoying the show. She eats her popcorn. Error makes his way further into the room, stepping lightly over and around his obstacles. He gets behind the couch, but gets distracted by a feline heading his way. Error hesitantly pets the cat, forgetting about his mission. The girl looks at the television and hears her feline friend purring before smiling,

"Luna! Come here sweetie."

Error grabs his attention back and trys to focus. He trys to see what's on the tv, getting distracted again. The girl sits up immediately feeling someone is in the house and turns off the tv.

"Who's there?!" She asked sternly.

Error gets up quickly and has his strings ready,

"Ju$t a skelet0n from yoUr clos3t!" Error chuckled. The girl stands up quickly and prepares to use her ice powers.

"That sounds like Sans but you're not really him are you?" she asked seeing Error.

"Th3 name's 3rr0r." Error responded in small tone of annoyance.

"I'm Ariela......Why are you here?" She grabs the bow and forms a ice arrow pointing it at error.

Error took the chance to get a better look at the human in front of him. She had dirty blond hair and blue eyes. Her skin was a little pale, but fair. Her eyes glowed a little when she used her ice powers. Error snapped out of it and focused on the task at hand.

The word "Error" glitches around him, "That's none of your business, kid."

"It is my business since you intruded into my house!" She shoots the ice arrow at him.

He dodges the arrow and uses his strings to pin her up. "I'm not here to fight!"

She jumps to the side away from the strings. "Do you know what Universe your in? You do know there is no one left but you in your universe?" Error sighed.

Ariela looks at Error. "I have my cat Luna........everyone else is gone thanks to Chara and they....made sure to never reset.......I don't know why you're here but capturing me is not going to be easy." She explained.

He smirks and sighs while lowering his weapon, "I don't normally do this, but since I found an interest in you, it's your lucky day!" She stays on guard watching Error as she gripped her bow and becomes suspicious.

"Oh is it now?" Ariela asked sarcastically.

"I don't know if you've ever heard of me, but I'm know as the Destroyer of AUs."

"Destroyer of AUs? Never did.....that's even luckier.....but unfortunate to meet you in person then. So why are you interested in me?"

He chuckles, "I don't usually let others live, tho it's rare to ever see any survivors if the au's dead, but for some reason, your different." Error explained.

Ariela nods. "I see....." she forms another ice arrow and waits.

Error crosses his arms and huffs, "If you're gonna shoot then shoot, otherwise I'd like to explain myself."

"I'm not gonna shoot unless you attack me first Error.......explain yourself....." she approached him stepping on the strings.

Error steps back, "Are you gonna lower your weapon?"

She sighs and makes ice arrow disappear lowering her bow. "Alright.....start talking....."

He sighs, "I sensed a dead au and came here. Normally, I don't care for survivors like you.... but you feel different, dont ask why, you just do. So if you and your 'pet thing' want to keep living, I'd suggest you'd take my offer and come with me."

Ariela still feel suspicious but thinks about his offer and goes over to Luna picking her up. "My cat is named Luna..... as for your offer, fine....I'll come with you. I care about my life and Luna's..."

Error flinches, "C-C@t? I$ that wh@t that is?"

Ariela smiles and nods "Luna kept me company and trained to protect me if I'm unable to defend myself......"

"Huh, interesting. Welp! Grab your belongings and get ready cause I don't really like spending long times in AUs. I'll be waiting outside the door..." he walks away and stands outside.


(757 words)

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