Chapter 1 - Page 3

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               "ALEX!," my mother yelled. I quickly ran to my room and locked my door. I tried not to scream as she pounded on my door. If she knew I had gone I'd be in SO much trouble, I decided to come out of my room but proceeded to ignore her. I ate my breakfast and got ready for school. I headed to the bus stop, I couldn't stop thinking about what I had seen earlier. As I walked up to the front doors of the school I heard my friend calling for me. "ALEX, HEY!," he yelled to me. As he approached me I realized that when I came home I was gonna be in a lot of trouble. "Did you see the newspaper?" He whispered to me.

             "I thought people didn't sell those anymore?" I asked. "Well I guess they do, My mom bought one yesterday," He replied. As we entered the school I felt like people were staring at me. "Why did I even go in the first place?" I thought to myself. The entire day I couldn't stop thinking about the body, I couldn't even eat lunch without feeling grossed out. I arrived home again and attempted to ignore my mother. She yelled at me for going outside last night. "What all did you do last night?" she asked. As I tried to walk past her, hoping once again that she did not yell at me, She started slowly walking away. "I found Mr.Brady's body, At least I think. It could be someone else's I'm not sure.." I said. "Take me there tonight, I might be able to tell," she replied. "Ok.." I said.  

             That night I took my mother to the gas station, it was brighter outside so it was easier to see. As we arrived I saw something moving inside. As we approached It was easier to see what was in the gas station. I was relieved when I saw it was an animal until it turned towards me, its eyes red and looking straight at me.

              As I went to run away I saw my mother approaching, I told her about the strange creature and how its eyes looked at me. She went to go check it out but didn't see anything. As she was walking away the figure started fading back. It was a poltergeist! But who was it, I could only see distinct features of the transparent figure. It looked as if it had blue-ish eyes and medium brown hair. I squinted trying to see more but it disappeared as my mom approached me once again.

The death of Mr.Brady (WIP)Where stories live. Discover now