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I hate this boy. Draco Malfoy. What of a stupid name! He's so annoying with his constant arrogance!

I could not hate him more than now. I hate him so much that he makes me feel something in my stomach. Pure hate.

-Harry, honey, are you coming?


-Walk around the school with me! Weren't you listening?

Huh. Ginny. I told her a million time to do not call me ­honey. And no, I wasn't listening you, you interrupted me while I was thinking about how much I hate Malfoy.

Everybody knows that she have a crush on me since my first year at Hogwarts, two years ago. It's not really mutual. 

I mean, she's great! And pretty! And smart! And I love her! But not like that. I love her like my sister... Of course, I told her everything of that. But however, she is convinced that I will fall for her one day and it's a bit annoying.

-I'm sorry Ginny, but I can't. Perhaps another time? 

-What is your excuse now? I'm sure tha-

-Go away Ginny, I have to tell a really important thing to Harry.

Now that Ginny left the Gryffindor common room (not without grumbling to her brother), I can thank Ron for saving me... again. He knows that his sister is sometimes really... extreme. So he makes Ginny go away from me for a while sometimes.

-Where's Hermione?

Ron, Ron, Ron. Always asking for Hermione.

-She went to find Voldemort and fight him like 10 minutes ago.

-WHAT?! We have to stop her! What are you waiting for? If she died I would never be abled to tell her that I-

-Hey boys! 

-Hi Hermione!

Hahaha! Ron is so naive! He is almost crying. I act like everything is normal to see what will happened with my best friend.

-Hermione.. W-Where were you...?

-Me? I just went to the bathroom and-.. Ronald are you crying?

Ron seems a bit mad at me... I'll leave them alone and walk in the school... Alone. Without Ginny or anybody else.

-I going to go for a walk guys! 

I just saw Hermione hug Ron when I closed the door of the Gryffindor common room. I wonder when they will get together those two... 



-What the hell are you doing Parkinson?!

-I do a duck farm, can't you see it?

I hate when she gets sarcastic. *Sigh*.

-Honestly Draco, it's obvious! I'm making some hideous posters of Harry Potter to humiliate him.

-How dare yo-

-Calm down! I'm just trying to help you making his life hell. Isn't he you worse enemy? 

-No he- I mean, of course he is. Thanks.

-Oh, did anyone heard that? Mister Malfoy thanked me! OMG this is the best day of my life!!

-Shut up Pansy!

In fact, I don't really hate that boy.. I mean hum... I can't love a boy. I'm a Malfoy. And Malfoys aren't gay. What a shame! I'm a pureblood and he his a half-blood. But I just can't help myself... 

Every time I see his face, I just can't stop to watch him. And this body! He is a god.

But I can't tell anyone about my crush on him... So I act like I hate him. And technically, it is true! I hate him for making me fell like this.

So everybody thinks we are ennemies. Even Harry. 

I love him since the day we really met, our first day at Hogwarts.


-It's true then. What they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts. This is Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. 

 *Ron laugh*

-Think my name's funny do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair, and a hand me down robe. You must be a Weasley. Well soon find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there. 

-I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks.

Back To Present

At the moment he rejected me, I heard my heart breaking. I red everything about him in the newspaper and books, I was in love with him without even met him. He probably didn't know I existed but I knew his life by heart.

I was so glad to finally meet him at school, I wanted him to be my friend. Or more than that... But at this time, I didn't truly know what was love. So let's say that I was just a huge fan of Harry Potter before meeting him.

When my parents were asking why I was so interested by Harry Potter, I told them that I was inspired by Voldemort and I wanted to know why he wasn't able to kill this poor baby. 

Of course, it was false but as death eaters, they were automatically proud of me. Never I could tell my father that I'm in love with a boy. But if nobody knows... I must make Potter loving me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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