Don't Panic

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Love at first sight seems like something out of a fairy tale book but, when I first saw Noah I knew that those little fairy tale books where real. I never knew I could fall in love like that.  At first i thought he was the one I really did but things took a turn. 

January 3, 2021  Its Noah's birthday so, we went out to a field and made snow angels. He got cold so we got in the car but, it wouldn't start. We had to walk home in the cold. we stopped on an empty rode and just stood there hugging. Then he pulled away and said "Charlee I see diamonds in your eyes". "I see headlights in your eyes ". At that moment I realized that everything was gonna change. And so it did. Noah realizes that there's a car behind me and pulls me in for a hug and says "don't panic ". "why would I pani.....". I don't finish my sentence when the car hits us.   

                                                             A Month later 

I remember waking up and it being February 3,. My Mom, Dad, Sisters, And Noah's parents were all sitting beside me. the first thing I say is "Where's Noah " ?  Noah's Mom starts to cry. I  realize it. Noah's Gone.  

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