That "Feeling"

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Dear Someone,
Have you felt that weird feeling on your chest whenever you thought of someone or atleast whenever you have some kind of interaction with them? I've heard couple of stories from old people that whenever you feel that for a certain someone, it means that it actually is a sign. Yep, that kind of sign. They told me stories that it's something that they had felt at the time and they knew they were going to marry that person. I guess, I'm a hopeless romantic since I believed that.
I felt that actually. I felt it when I met him and it only intensifies whenever I kissed him. I haven't felt the same with my other relationships. I thought for sure that's like my cue to actually feeling something for someone. But I have a few questions though. Do you only feel that to only one person in your lifetime? Is it that special?
You know, I've seen this video in tiktok. A lady explained that those "butterflies" you feel whenever you see someone is actually a sign. But it's actually a different kind of sign. I can't explain it like how she explains it on the video, so please try to understand I'll only quote her out of context. From what I could remember, she said that you feel those so-called butterflies whenever you get nervous around that person, and you're actually very conscious about what he feels. It's a warning sign and your body actually tries to signal you that something is wrong. I guess that part was true to me. I felt those butterflies when I first went outside when I was in highschool (my parents are very strict at that time), and that one time when some old creep asked me to go to the movies with him when I was 16 and was actually waiting for my friends. But that is a different kind of "feeling" that I was talking about before.
Ewan ko pero I can't actually express how I think or actually feel about it so... If you ever felt that kind of weird feeling, care to share about it? I'll be more than happy to read those stories, it'll be for research purposes. ;)

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