𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫• 𝟐𝟎

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After a few hours of driving we pulled up to a big gate. He scanned his hand and the gates opened to a beautiful beach house with a private beach area. Driving down the long drive way we make our way to the front yard. I get out and start to get our things out as people come out of the house and take them somewhere inside. I turn to see Leonardo talking to some of his men and then dismissing them and coming towards me

"I have something planned for us tonight so get dressed into a bathing suit and then meet me in the living room the maids will show you to our bedroom"he says walking us both inside of the house where the maids are taking things upstairs and out by the beach

"Okay I'll be down soon"I say and peck his cheek

Walking up the stairs with the maid she takes me up and into our room

"Ma'am the closest is this way and on the other side is the restroom where you"ll find anything you need" she says looking at her shoes

"What's your name" I ask looking at her

"Anna ma'am"

"Well Anna you can call me Athena" I say

"Umm I can't, it's disrespectful" she says fidgeting with her hands

"It's okay if anyone tells you anything send them to me and I'll deal with them, I don't like people feeling like they are any lower than me or feared by me, plus it makes feel old" I say as she looks up and smiles

"Yes ma'a-I mean Athena" she says and walks out

I may be an asshole half the time and love seeing the life drain out of people but within the mafia we are a family, I may seem like a bitch and put my foot down but at the end of the day I still respect them I have to install some fear that's how we stay at the top. People in the mafia think that it's okay to mistreat women in the mafia no matter what position they have in the mafia especially maids and I try my best to be nicer

I go over to the closet and try to find the bathing suits. After a moment I found them in the bottom cabinet I get dressed and use one of Leonardos shirts as a pull over. I close the door and go downstairs where Leo is at

When he sees me he smiles and takes my hand before kissing me

"You look stunning In my clothes. Ready?" He asks
I nod and we walk outside and down a path way that leads to the beach, as we get closer a see candles lit and rose petals leading to a beautiful picnic by the shore

"Wow this is beautiful" I say as I admire the moon reflecting on the water and the sky full of stars

We sit down on the ground as a chef comes out with food and places it in front of us
He uncovers it and amazing looking good comes out

I'm about to to eat good like the fat ass I am, I hope the have extras for later

We start to eat and make small talk

Mostly about work how we started out and our families. He took over when he was twenty but kept that in the dark until he was 24 which was a few months after we met three years ago, and during that time half the world thought his father was still the leader

He told me more about his sisters and Ace. His capo's too who I haven't properly met yet

"Come" he says and extends his hand to me. I take it and we start to walk on the beach

"You know for someone who doesn't do stuff like dates and relationships, that dinner wasn't something casual"

"Yea it was" he says

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