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I clean off the table of dishes and wipe the crumbs away. The restaurant door swings open, the little bell jingling, and in walks Elliot. I don't even think about our... interaction. Instead, I can only recall the events of today. 




The tiny flame.

It hurts so much.

Are you alright?

I blink a few times and realize Elliot had spoken to me.

"You were here early," Elliot says for a second time. 

"Uh, yeah," I smile. "I ditched school. It was boring." Half of a lie. I was just too terrified to face Madison. I had never been scared to face someone before. Ever.

White trash.


Trash burns.

Elliot gasps and I look down. 

I look down to see the shattered dishes that had been in my hand on the floor. Customers stare and I quickly bend down to pick it up.

"Whoops," I curse myself under my breath.

"Here, I'll help," Elliot bends down to my level. "Be careful, it's sharp-- woah, what happened to your face?"

"Ouch," I tease, trying to snap back into my normal self.

"No, seriously, Maxine," His nimble fingers trace my cheek and I flinch. "It's... it's burned, Maxine! What the hell happened?" 

"Nothing," I stand up and try to get away from him as soon as possible.

"Maxine!" He calls after me. 

I storm into the women's restroom and rinse my face in the cold water. Refreshed, I stare at myself in the mirror. I see my cheek, the burn red and puffy. 

"Shit," I rinse more cold water on it, which makes it feel good.

I smooth down my hair again and straighten out my apron. I fly through the door as I pull my hair back into a ponytail. 

I stop in my tracks.

"Hi, Braids." 


The boy who had saved my life (wow, sounds so dramatic) is seated at the table in front of me. His glib smile is proud and sly, all at the same time. I know that smile.

I practically invented it.

"Uh..." What do I say? "I'm not wearing braids. You must have the wrong person."

I try to duck away, but he gets to his feet and I freeze.

He's blocking my path. 

"You're hair might've changed," He says. Suddenly, his fingers stroke my cheek. My burn. "But this hasn't."

I lower my voice. "What do you want from me?"

He acts like he's in shock.

"Your hero doesn't get at least a little credit?" He scoffs. "What kind of town did I move to?"

"I knew I didn't recognize you," I reply.

"You're welcome, by the way," He says. 

"Mhm," I say, turning on my heel trying to walk away.

"Hey, I think the words are 'thank you'!" He repeats from earlier.

I roll my eyes and rush away, my cheeks flaring red. 

I see Elliot eyeing me.

"Say it," I demand after a whole damn minute of him just staring at me like I'm a freak.

"What was going on over there?" Elliot asks, lowering his voice.

"Nothing," I shrug. I face away from him so he doesn't keep staring at me cheek.

"I've never seen him before," Elliot continues. Just then, he stops and gasps. "Is he the one that gave you that burn mark? Maxine?"

"No, Elliot, drop it," I glare at him and walk away with an armful of plates in my arms, going nowhere in particular. I stroll around the restaurant until Delia finds me and gives me orders.

Thank God. 

Insanely InsaneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin