Nothing can change me

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Whispers all around

voices raise the sound

bullies here and there,

no one to look out for or care.

Smoke full of impurities of talk

arising from the sidewalk,

teasing and pushing and throwing,

hitting and showing 

how mean one can be.

Why is this to me?

Calling me fat!

Is it supposed to be like that?

Twisting and turning

and breaking and churning

me up into this weird thing

But no! You're not king.

Can I know why you do this?

Can you give me a hint?

Punching me, hitting me and 

changing my way.

Stop it for at least a day!

I don't like meanies

I'm one of the tinies.

I know I'm small

and you're so tall,

but let's wait and hope for a change

and try to be on the same page.

So I'll say this one thing.....

Hey Mr.Bully!!!! Just leave me alone!!

And change your tone.

You don't have to like me,

 but I want to make you see,

that you can punch down a tree 

and break a giants knee,

but you can never change me.

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