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Alexis walked down the halls, bell bottom jeans on, a black tank top, and a flannel on. She turned and noticed Joe Lamb looking at her. She sent a small smile and a wave, continuing her trek to art class. She sat in her seat as the teacher started teaching about color schemes, Alexis paying attention closely. Alice looked over at her friend, sending Alexis the hang ten symbol, Alexis returning it.

Now class was over, Alexis was walking down the halls up until Alice grabbed her shoulders causing Alexis to shriek. "Don't do that." Alexis says as the two friends walked down the halls. "So this kid named Charles wants me to work on his movie with him. You should come." Alice says nudging Alexis. "Sneak out?" Alexis questions. "Duh." Alice says causing Alexis to laugh.  

Now the end of the day, and school year came closer than Alexis expected. She walked into the 7/11, looking for gummy worms and coke. "I was returning that book on codes and ciphers, she was in the silent reading section I thought, "Screw it." So I asked her if she'd play Hathaway's wife." She hears the familiar voice of Charles say.

Alexis looked over and saw Joe, Charles, and Cary walking around the small shop. "You talked to Alice Dainard really?" Joe questions causing Alexis to realize what or well who they were talking about. "You're not supposed to talk at all in the silent reading section" Cary says causing Alexis to shake her head, a smirk on her face. She opened the small fridge, grabbing a Coke. "Shut up." Charles says to Cary.  "It's for "silent reading." Cary says. "She said yes, we're filming tonight and she's driving." Charles says as they walk into the candy isle, noticing Alexis. "-driving where?" Joe questions.

"To the train depot -- did you not read the scene I just gave you?" Charles questions causing Alexis to roll her eyes as she walks over to the checkout. She pays, turning and seeing Cary looking at her. She smiles, then walks out of the 7/11. She walked towards her house and saw her older brother sitting at the table and doing some paperwork.

 She walked towards her house and saw her older brother sitting at the table and doing some paperwork

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She put her bag down, walking over to the table. "What'cha working on Augs?" She questions. August was her older brother, and guardian. "Work." He says causing her to sigh. "Auggie." She says trailing the last syllable of his name. "Lexi." August says doing the same, looking up at her. "So...Alice wants me to come with her to help some kids out for a movie they're making." Alexis says causing August to look at her, a brow raised. 

"Hmm." August says, pondering. "Auggie." She says causing him to chuckle. "Fine." He says causing her to laugh. Knowing Alice, she'd be showing up at Midnight to pick Alexis up. "Thank you!" Alexis exclaims as she hugs him tightly. August chuckles and hugs her back. "Alright, but if you get caught, what's your last name?" August questions. "Waterson." Alexis says causing August to nod. 

Now it was a little while past Midnight. "You're driving very well. I'm impressed." Preston says, really terrified. Alice pulled the car up to Alexis' house. "What are we doing here?" Joe questions as Alice steps out of the car, whistling loudly. After a few moments Alexis starts climbing out from her window, making it to the ground. Alexis grins as she rushes over, hugging Alice briefly. "What is she doing here?" Charles questions. "If she doesn't come, I'm not going." Alice says causing Charles to gulp, noticing both blonde girls' glares. 

They drove in silence, Joe offering Alexis a twizzler. "Thanks." She says as she starts eating it. "You know the first place I'm gonna drive when I get my license?" Cary questions from next to Alexis. "Where?" Alexis questions as she turns to Cary. "New Castle, Pennsylvania. Fireworks capital of America." Cary says causing her to grin. "You like fireworks too?" She questions causing Cary to nod, a grin on his face. "Sweet." She says. "So I don't have any new lines, right? Because I just learned these." Martin says, holding the paper script up. "Shut up." Charles says. "I have never been a passenger in a vehicle without an adult driving. I'm unresolved as to how I feel about it." Preston says causing Alexis to chuckle, the twizzler in her mouth.

Alice pulled up to the Train depot. "-- Sweetheart, this is my job, I have no choice." "That's nothing you need to worry about..." "What am I suppose to go to Michigan with you..." Martin says reading his lines. Alexis turns and sees Cary grabbed his paper, throwing it to the wind. "No, no, no. Cary." Martin says causing Alexis to chuckle as she watches Martin rush to grab his papers, as Cary laughs loudly. 

Alexis walks to the platform, Cary following. Preston was setting up the lights as Cary opens his bag, revealing his fireworks. "Woah." She says as she looks at the bag. "I took apart two packs of cherry bombs and made my own M-80." Cary says causing Preston to look at him in shock, while Alexis looked on in curiosity. "Your obsession with fireworks and I'm saying this as a friend...concerns me. And my mother." Preston says. "Well you're a pussy. And your mom has one." Cary says causing Alexis to hit his arm playfully. 

Cary laughs as he takes off. Alexis chuckles as she starts to help Preston with the lights. Plugging in some of the lights into the car's cigarette lighter. "Alice: Mrs. Hathaway really doesn't want her husband to keep investiga-" "I know, we read it, we get it." Alice says interrupting Charles. "Okay, I'm just directing. Martin get on your mark. Martin, you're going to have to reassure her. Do you know what "reassure her" means?" Charles questions causing Alexis to roll her eyes as she stands next to Cary, watching.

"Yeah, I think so." Martin says. "Okay- we're starting on Alice's side first- Preston: a couple seconds after "action" walk to the pay phone, make it look like this place is busy-" Charles says. "I know what that looks like." Preston says just as a pop sounds through the air. Cary starts laughing as everyone turns to him. "Asshole, could you stop blowing shit up for two seconds and deal with the camera?" Charles questions. "Sorry man." Cary says as he walks back towards the camera.

"Let's rehearse this, save your real performances for when we're filming, though." Charles says as Alice hands Alexis her script, Alexis holding it tightly. "Ready? Here we go... action!" Charles exclaims. Alexis sees her friend get into character. "I'm going to stay here and investigate. I think it would be safer if you leave town." Martin says as Detective Hathaway. "John. I don't like it. This case. These murders." Alice says as Mrs. Hathaway. "What am I supposed to do, go to Michigan with you?" Martin questions as Preston walks by, acting his part. 

"Mackinac Island's beautiful this time of year." Alice says, acting her part perfectly. "Sweetheart. This is my job." Martin says. "The dead, coming back to life...? I think you're in danger-" Alice says. "I have no choice-" "You do have a choice. We all do..." Alice says as she starts to tear up. "John, I've never asked you to stop. I've never asked you to give up or walk away. But I'm asking you now- please. For me. Don't go back. Don't leave me. I need to know this isn't the last time I'll see you. I just love you so much." Alice says.

"I... I love you too..." Martin says. After a few moments Alice turns to the others. "Was that okay? Or... not really?" Alice questions. "That was awesome!" Alexis exclaims, a grin on her face. "-Uh, that was... I'm... that-- yeah, good. Just like that." Charles says, still in awe.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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