chapter 2

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    Tradyn got up to go to the bathroom. While he was in there I got a text that my grandpa had a stroke. He's had alot lately but they're getting worse. A few seconds later I felt tears sliding down my face. I'm too zoned out in crying that I dont even hear tradyn come out of the bathroom. "Hey are ok",he asked I didn't even answer.
"Kinda, my grandpa had another stroke and this one was bad." 
    We agreed that hed drive me to the hospital.  So we got there and my stepmom and aunt were there. I talked to them for a little but then went home. Before he took me home we dropped Oakley off at his house. It was silent on the way to my house.
    We got there and I told tradyn that I'm gonna wait outside to think for a little bit. He was fine with it obviously.  Riding always helps. It gives me time to myself. Tradyn came outside to check on me and he saw me riding bareback and smiled.


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