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Wilbur was charming, that's for sure.

Everything a person could want in life. Nice car, great music, wonderful life.

Amazing basement.

Just cold enough to know that it's not a dream, and it's where you'll spend the rest of your sad, miserable life. 

Didn't even get you a bed. Can you believe that?

Y/N struggled against the chain the kept them tied to the wall. Even though they had done this for months on end, they sill had hope that they could eventually break free.

"Oh darling. You'll hurt yourself if you keep doing that." The man himself had appeared out of nowhere, holding a plate and a glass in his hands. Y/N stopped moving as they froze, not daring to breathe as the man stepped closer. He placed the plate and glass on the floor, and knelt down to Y/N and gently cupped their face.

"You look sick darling. Maybe I should get you some medicine, anything to get you back to your old self." He grabbed a fork off the plate, and lifted a bit of food to their mouth. They turned their head away from the fork as Wilbur grabbed their head and forced them to look at him. "Look, I've given you everything you could possible want. I don't want you to stave to death, OK? Now eat."

Y/N kept their mouth firmly shut, to the point Wilbur pinched their nose. Y/N fought back the desire to breathe as they sat there in defiance.

But eventually, they opened their mouth and Wilbur put the fork in their mouth. Y/N, so hungry, ate the food on the fork. As they chewed and swallowed, Wilbur smiled. "See? That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Y/N breathed heavily as they darted their eyes away from Wilbur.

"I'm full." Their voice didn't sound like their own, it was small and quiet, and it hurt to speak, their throat was so dry. Wilbur let out a sigh as he got another forkful of food.

"Come on, Y/N you need to eat. If you do, I'll get you a bed. And in return, all you have to do is love me back." Y/N sat there and said nothing. At this point, they didn't care, they just wanted him to go away. So Y/N opened their mouth as Wilbur placed the food in their mouth. His face lit up in joy as he was able to feed the person he loved.

"I'm so happy when you're like this. It's so nice when we can have sweet moments like this." Wilbur sighed happily, as Y/N wanted nothing more for him to leave, so they could go back to formulating a plan to escape.

Soon the plate was empty and Wilbur placed the fork down on the plate. He pressed the glass to their lips and tilted it upwards. "Come on, drink." Y/N slightly opened their mouth as the cold liquid poured down their throat.

They desperately wanted to cough, and as soon as Wilbur poured the half empty glass away, they let out a cough. "You did so good. I'll be back in an hour or two, OK? See you in a while , love."

Wilbur then left, leaving Y/N in the cold basement.


He put too much trust in them.

He had left them in his room, handcuffed to the bed frame, as he was designing their room. But Y/N had soon forced one of their hands out of one of the cuffs, and was pulling at the other. After what felt like ages, they had managed to slip their hand out.

They quickly got of Wilbur's bed, and quietly ran out of his room and down the stairs. Wilbur, like the trusting man he was had left the front door open. Y/N slipped on a pair of Wilbur's shoes and Wilbur's wallet filled with money, and ran out the front door.

The fresh air had hit their face quite quickly , and a smile erupted on their face. Fresh air. Freedom. They quickly took off running, before falling down. It had been a while since they had used their legs. 

They pushed themselves up off the floor, and took off running again. They needed to get to a place full of people, see someone and call for help. They would go home, but they didn't know where home was. Or what year it was. Or day. Or month.

All they did was run.


Wilbur threw a chair across the room.

"FUCK!" He yelled. "I should have never left the fucking door open." He had nothing on him, bare his phone, and most of his furniture was destroyed from an angry outburst. He held his head in his hands and let out a frustrated sigh. All he had to do was find them right? That's it, not so hard.

Yeah. Sounds easy!

And then break their legs so they can run away again!

Wilbur let out an insane giggle.

"Let the games begin."


First oneshot!

Hope you enjoyed it.

This probably the most I can do for a while sadly, schedule and all.

So I hope you have a great Christmas!


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