Birthdays (Curtis Sister)

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Sadie POV

I woke up on this Friday morning with a smile on my face when i was woken by the smell of waffles and syrup. My brother Darry was up making me my usual birthday breakfast and then i heard my door burst open with my other brothers jumping in and onto my bed to wake me up,to their surprise i was awake already laughing until i was wheezing "Stop!" I shouted as they stopped Soda was first to talk after letting me get up and throw on a hoodie.

"Happy 15th birthday baby" Baby isn't a weird pet name you may think of it as,the whole gang calls me because thats what my mom used to call me before her and my dad passed away ,other than Johnny Cade he calls me Sunflower because when we are both sad,confused or angry about something (maybe we just want to go on a walk) we would always go to a field full of sunflowers and just sit there together talking it out with each other.
After i got my hoodie over my head Ponyboy also wished me a happy birthday. I pulled them both in for a hug," Thank you guys, although that was a mean way to wake me up, thank you" i said with a teethy smile then ran out my room to the kitchen to meet a tall, brunette boy cooking me my birthday waffles greeting me with a warming smile.

"Hello Sades, how'd you sleep?" Darry said building up waffles making a nice mountain of syrupy goodness.
"I slept well until i was rudely awoken by our other brothers" He giggled at that and when he had finished piling waffles and putting them at the table he gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead,"Happy birthday Sadie" He then pulled out a chair for me and then Soda and Pony came down with goofy party hats on and sat at the table and Soda stole the first waffle


It was about 9:20am when the door was swung open by the rest of the gang,i hadn't opened any presents knowing everyone was coming. Me and my brothers were talking on the sofas when they all came in. Twobit was first with a pink wrapped box followed by Steve and the rest of the gang,Two sang happy birthday to me and the rest of the boys (including my brothers) joined in other than Dal. I didn't take it personal he would come to me alone because of his "bad boy" look as some people may call it but i know he cares. And to my surprise Steve came over and held me over his shoulder bouncing me about while everyone was singing.

"Put me down! Your gon' make me sick, my breakfast is going all over your darn jacket if you don't put me down!" I protested

"Well birthday girl we have to get you excited for your presents-" Steve said playfully calming down a bit

"Put her down Stevie," Soda said from the sofa.

"Such a bum, Sodes"
Soda rolled his eyes at Steve's remark as he put me down. When i was on my feet again i was greeted by Johnny Cade who smiled and pulled me in for a hug.Johnny always had the best hugs, they were so gentle and genuine which put a smile on my face.
Two bit was eager to have his present opened by me so that hug went faster that usual as he was badgered to sit down so Twobit could make me open my presents.

I opened Two's present first; it was a matching cup set of Mickey ,Minnie ,Goofy and Donald Duck.I loved it because he knew i loved Mickey just as much as he did.Next was Steve's gift were butterfly lights for my room and Soda got me new drawing pencils, he knew i liked drawing stars and flowers so i was very thankful for his gift. After Soda and Steve was Pony's gift, Pony had got me my favourite Captain America comic i always stole from my friend Abbey.I guess he was doing her a favour as well i giggled. Darry had gotten me a little Jewellery box with my name engraved in with a little heart next to it.

Johnny Cade was last to give me a present.

"Just so you know, it isn't much, i didn't have a lot of money but i had just enough to buy you a gift.." He smiled and i smiled back-"You know i will love it no matter what it is" i say back.
"Yeah i know but everyone got you big things-"He said handing me a small box-"I-uh..Well here."
When he gave it to me i smiled at the little note on the box saying 'To my favourite Sunflower'. I opened it and it was a little necklace box, i clicked it open and it was a silver chain with a little sunflower charm on it. I looked up at Johnny then got up to give him a hug," Look i know it-"-i cut him off before he could try degrade his gift-" It's perfect Johnny Cade."


After a day of the gang and I celebrating my birthday we all sat down in the living room and we were watching Mickey when i needed a drink.I got up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed my self a glass and filled it with a strawberry&banana smoothie. I was taking a sip when almost jumped through the roof at someone tapping my shoulder

Dallas POV
I saw Sadie go to the kitchen and i thought i would finally give her a happy birthday and her gift since it was getting late and i was gonna go back to buck's when Darry finally says its getting late.And man did my ass hurt from sitting down on that sofa for so long,that aside i went to the kitchen and tapped her shoulder. You'd have thought she was getting attacked by a ghost the height she jumped at it,she then turned around and went,"Jesus Dally you nearly gave me a heart attack" i chuckled as she put down her smoothie.
"Happy Birthday man, i got you this-" i handed her her present which was wrapped in the same pink wrapping paper as the rest of her presents. God i hoped she liked it, i actually bought this, i didn't steal it this time. All doubt that she wouldn't like it left though as i saw a huge smile appear on her face.

"OH MY GOD!THANK YOU!" She said very loud in my ear as she hugged me, i was shocked,i don't do hugs.
"C'mon man you know i don't do hugs-"-she cut me off-"Well i don't care,now we can listen to Strawberry Fields on my record player and another plus is that i am going to force you all to watch The Sound Of Music!"
Jesus,i shouldn't have bought her that vhs tape.

The whole gang is in for a long night of Sadie singing her heart out for 3 hours..

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