2.09 Shiizakana

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Hannibal: "Which answer is it you want to hear, Will?"

Will: "What's happening now and about to happen is an answer. I want an admission. I want you to admit what you are."

Hannibal: "Must I denounce myself as a monster while you still refuse to see the one growing inside you? Why not appeal to my better nature?"

Will: "I wasn't aware you had one."

Hannibal: "No one can be fully aware of another human being unless we love them. By that love we see potential in our beloved. Through that love, we allow our beloved to see their potential. Expressing that love, our beloved's potential comes true." (deleted line: "I love you, Will.")

Will: "I promised you a reckoning. Here it is."

script: Will awakens, calmly opening his eyes to stare into middle distance. No solace comes from Hannibal's dream death.

Hannibal: "I visited Granada when I was a young man. I fell in love with many things, in particular, this dish. I remember my time there so vividly, like I frescoed the walls of my mind."

Jack: "I used to be afraid of losing my memory. What I wouldn't give to forget a thing or two now."

Hannibal: "Memory gives moments immortality, but forgetfulness promotes a healthy mind. It's good to forget. What are you trying to forget, Jack?"

Jack: "Doubt. I let doubt in."

Hannibal: "About me?"

Jack: "About Will."

Hannibal: "I can no longer discuss Will's state of mind with you or anyone else without his consent. Will's officially my patient. He employs me now, not the FBI."

Jack: "Well, let's hope your therapy works."

Hannibal: "Therapy only works when we have a genuine desire to know ourselves as we are, not as we would like to be."

Will: "Do you have any regrets?"

Hannibal: "With every choice lies the possibility of regret. However, if I choose not to do something, it's usually for a good reason."

Will: "I'm... riddled with regrets."

Hannibal: "A life without regret would be no life at all."

Will: "I regret what I did in the stable."

Hannibal: "Then, you were lucky I was there."

Will: "Oh, no, no, no. Being lucky isn't the same as making a mistake. The mistake was allowing you to stop me."

Hannibal: "So, it's not pulling the trigger that you regret... it's not pulling it effectively."

Will: "That would be more accurate."

Hannibal: "You must adapt your behaviour to avoid feeling the same way again, Will."

(initial script: Hannibal: "Then it's not your actions that you regret. It's the lack thereof." Will: "That would be more accurate." Hannibal: "Did you make that decision on the basis of anticipating the regret you would feel taking another life?" Will: "Yes." Hannibal: "Anticipating regret commonly results in dubious decisions. You must adapt your behavior to avoid feeling the same way again.")

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