Atheist Reader

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A sigh escaped your lips as you waited patiently for the church service to end. You felt the piercing look of the older women sitting behind you, watching and judging you for not participating in any of the prayers that were spoken. It was uncomfortable to know they were staring at you, but not uncomfortable enough to make you even consider moving a muscle for someone you didn't even believe in.

No, that wasn't what you had come for. You had come for your partner, who just so happened to be the priest of the local church. And the only person to keep the place alive and visited, giving speeches that were performed so well that one simply had to be enchanted by them.

Even you, as a convinced atheist, could pick out some comforting truths from the man's words, rewarding him with soft smiles whenever he looked back at you. These smiles were the only thing keeping you sane through your boredom, enduring the sheer endless seeming time only for him.

Your eyes wandered around the church, having it made a game to count all the figures in the painting and report the exact number back to Gray at the end of the day. He'd always give an amused smile, joking around that he would count them and that it better be right what you told him.

'Ten, eleven, twelve...' you counted in your head, paying rather little attention to the speech, losing your focus on it fully as you tried to figure out if you should count the animals as well.

"Don't get distracted now." 

The man next to you whispered, giving you a light nudge: 

"This is the important part."

You rolled your eyes, knowing it was time for yet another prayer, and sunk a bit lower on the bench because, despite everything, you did not want to be the one sticking out among all the kneeling people. The priest smiled amusedly at you before returning to guiding the others through the words. And even though they just felt like a senseless mess to you, Gray's calming voice made up for it.

And so you managed to endure the rest of the church service, generously putting ten bucks in the basket that was given around. You waited until most people had left before following the man into the small room, helping him clean up as he gave rather obvious signs for the altar boys that they could, or rather should, leave.

"Hello, my angel~" 

He greeted, his voice fading into a soft hum as he pressed a short kiss on your lips: "I see you are still alive despite your threats this morning?"

You chuckled, remembering when you had told him that you would most certainly drop dead if you had to go to one more service. It wasn't like he forced you to go, quite the contrary, he was the one assuring you that he wouldn't be mad if you stayed home.

"Very much alive and able to annoy you for longer~" You joked, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him into a proper kiss: "Oh look, now he's getting flustered." 

The man tried to hide his blush by turning around, putting the bible he was still holding back in its place and you knew he was too proud to admit it; but that was okay.

"We should take a walk in the church garden, it's always so nice."

You offered and it made him chuckle: 

"It's raining outside, angel."

"Mhh I don't care. I got a tall boyfriend with a long coat to shield me from it~"

You laughed, and he blushed; you knew he liked your laugh just as much as he knew how much you loved to see his face go red from the smallest things you did that he found cute. The man leaned down to press another kiss on your forehead:

"Well, then what are we waiting for, come along my dear."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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