Chapter 3

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//I chose the ship name "Flijo" It sounds very cute. @Tinista18 commented it so please follow her, and comment if you want some cute Flijo moments cause This chapter is a Germangie one xx\\

Germans POV

Fleur is mad at me. I went footballing with Danny but U coulden't concentrate.

So, one again, I missed.

'DADDY!!! Why do you keeo missing??' Danny asked curiously, and kinda annoyed.

'Sorry Dan, Your dad Is just not concentrated.'

'Was it something with Fleur? I heard you shout at her.'

'Yh, she is being a very annoying teanager already and she's only twelve.'

'Yh, but dad, Fleur ís almost 13 and then you can't always tell her what to do.' Danny said to me. I was kinda surprised by Danny giving such wise advise. He probably got that from his mom.

'Yh, your right Dan. Thanks boy. You know your mom would say exactly the same?'

'No, I didn't till you told me! Dad can I have an icecream?'

'Whats the magic word?'


'Okay then, go on!'

'Yaay, thanks dad!'

Angie's POV

I was in Robins room doing her hair.


'Yes sweetie?'

'Why did daddy shout at Fleur?'

'Oh, well, Fleur didn't listen very well to your daddy. So now she's a little bit angry.'

'Ow, okay, I hope she's okay though.'

'Ahw, your so sweet.'

'I know!'

Angie laughed.

'Mommu, when are we seeing Violetta? My sister that you talk about a lot?'

'Ah, We'r seeing Violetta next week. Did you know that she looks like you very much?'

'No? Now i do!'

Angie laughed again.

'Lets go downstairs'

We walked downstairs when Robin saw Danny with an icecream.

'Ooh, Mammy!!! Can I have one toooo???'

I looked at German, shaking my head. But then I smiled.

'Sure.' I said whem Robin raced to the kitchen and I shouted after her: 'No big magnum Robin!'

I laughed.

German walked to me and placed hus hands on my waist.

'Your a great mother.' he said.

'And your a great father' I said.

He kissed me on the lips passionately.

Then Danny and Robin walked in.

'Seriously? If you want to kiss, then go upstairs!' Danny said.

So we did, and you can imagine what happened next...

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