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Last episode was just perfect.
In all the episode I was just thinking about Captain Swan and how adorable, cute and perfect they are. Can you blame me ? I totally ship CS.
I've never think that Emma could be that comprehensive with Killian. And when she said she should be more like her parents and give him time to tell her about the Ursula secret, my heart literally melt. Emma is so grown up now sniff sniff
I need to know what is Snow and Charming secret. I WANT IT KNOW
How can they possibly dos anything to Maleficent child? I still don't get it .
When Snow and Charming were listening to the conversation and then CS was going to kiss and Snow tries to leave without being noticed unsuccessfully. So funny :) I get it like the Emma's revenge because of the Tacos situation in the other season. Maybe she still can give her parents traumatic memories. Just kidding. Why the hell would they see CS kiss as a traumatic situation ? Never!!!

OMG!! That situation with Regina and Pinocchio was so sad. The small August was so scared of her, even I was scared of her. And then she understood that what she had done was wrong and she went to apologise to Geppetto. She was so polite. It doesn't seems like her but at least she's trying to good. She's so cute.
Really!!! Belle and Will...together!? I can't say I don't like they together but Rumple is so sad now and that makes me sad.
Well, the episode was amazing after all. I need the next one.

I'm I the only one that thinks that Lily is Maleficent daughter?
Hope you enjoy - KillyPopcorns 💕 :)

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