Chapter 1- The New Girl

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Y/n's pov:

Today will be my first day at Hogwarts, for the last few years I went to school at the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, there's no specific reason I left it was a great school. But this year I felt like I needed a change.

My father teaches at Hogwarts and he's always wanted me to go there. However I am wondering what house I will be sorted into, I've heard from my father that Slytherin house will do the most for me when it comes to learning new things, but I've heard some bad things about it too.

I sat on the train with a very kind boy and a blonde haired girl with a beautiful mind, Neville and Luna I believe their names were. The boy was quite shy but the girl was very talkative, not in a bad way, I enjoyed their company very much.

We finally arrived at Hogwarts and all the other students took their seats, I was instructed to wait outside the Great Hall until the Headmaster, Dumbledore called my name. I waited for a while as all of the students settled in.

"Hello students, welcome back to yet another year of school. We have a new student joining our 5th years, can we please welcome Y/n Snape." The doors open and I walk in, I feel very judged right now as everyone is staring at me.

I get up to the front and I sit on the stool waiting to be sorted, Professor McGonagall placed the sorting hat on my head, "Hmm... ahh, you've got a brilliant mind, very witty I see, yes... quite creative but also very logical. It'll have to be, RAVENCLAW."

I get up from the stool and walk over to the Ravenclaw table, "Y/n" I hear someone say and look up to see Luna waving me over. I smile as I walk over to her and sit down, "welcome to Ravenclaw Y/n, I'm glad you're here" she says, "thank you Luna, I will not let you guys down" I say and we turn our attention back to Dumbledore.

As I'm listening I begin to feel very uncomfortable, I look around the Great Hall to see who could be doing this. I see someone staring at me out of the corner of my eye, very intensely, I know what he's going. That motherfucker is trying to read my mind, hah little does he know it won't work.

I turn and look straight at him almost as if I'm challenging him, we make eye contact for a few seconds and he quickly looks away. I look around to see who he's sitting with, wait, "Luna what's his name?" I point to a blonde haired boy, "that's Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy" I haven't seen Draco in a while.

I know Mattheo remembers me but I don't think Draco remembers me so I'm not going to say anything, it's cool that we go to the same school now, Dumbledore finally dismisses us and I follow Luna around. She gives me a short tour of the school, specifically our house rooms and a few other places in the school.

She takes me upstairs to the dorms and helps me unpack all of my things, Luna and I are sharing a room, I'm glad out of anyone I'm sharing with her. I like Luna and I feel we are going to be very good friends, also love the way she talks everything she says is interesting.

"Y/n, would you like to go meet some of my friends?" she asks, "sure I would love to" I smile and we leave our room, "are they in our house?" I ask, "no they're in Gryffindor" "oh" I say in a questionable tone, "don't worry they're nice" she says and I nod.

As we're walking down the hall Draco, Mattheo and their other friends are walking the other way. When they are walking past us they stare at me so I smile and continue on with Luna, I don't think they like me or maybe it's just because we haven't seen each other in a while. 

"There they are" Luna points to a group of 3 people, 2 boys 1 girl, "hi guys, this is my new friend Y/n" "you're Snape's daughter right?" the girl says, "yes I am" "are you one of them?" the red haired boy says, "what do you mean?" I ask, "you know.." "a Death Eater" he whispers.

"Oh my god, no, definitely not" he sighs, "right, well I'm Harry Potter" the boy with glasses says, "I'm Hermione Granger" the girl says, "And I'm Ron Weasley" the red haired boy says, "nice to meet you all" I smile, "you as well" Hermione says.

"Y/n, you seem nice so I'm just going to warn you, stay away from the Slytherins. Especially Mattheo Riddle and his friends" Harry says, "they cause a lot of trouble and they're not good people" he says again, "thank you for warning me, but I like to chose my own friends" they look confused and shocked.

"Well I'll be on my way, goodbye" I walk away and Luna follows me, "sorry about them, they can be a bit judgy at times" Luna apologizes, "that's alright, I've dealt with worse... n-not that they're bad I'm just saying" she laughs, "that's ok, they haven't always been my friends, complete opposite actually"

"I'm sorry Luna" "it's fine, nothing I can do about it now, besides they're better now" she says and we continue walking. When we're walking down the hall I see the bathroom, "hey Luna I'm going to go to the washroom" "do you want me to wait outside?" she asks, "no it's ok, I'll meet you back in our room, I think I remember the way"

I walk into the washroom, I don't need to to go the washroom, I just need to think about things. I go up to the sink and wash my hands, one of the stall doors swings open.

"Y/n Snape, right?" a brown haired girl says, "uh yea" I reply, "Pansy Parkinson, lovely to meet you" she says but it doesn't seem like she really means it. She washes her hands slowly, the silence is awkward, "I'll see you around, take care now" she leaves dramatically, what was that about?

I finish up in the bathroom and leave, when I walk out Pansy, Mattheo, Draco and three other boys are all outside talking and watching me. Somethings going on, but I have no idea what it is. I give them a quick look out of the corner of my eye, squinting my eyes a bit and walk away.

I get up to Luna and I's room and flop onto my bed, "you ok Y/n?" she asks, "yea, I'm good, just tired" I grab my clothes and walk into the bathroom and get ready for bed. When I'm done I walk out and get into bed, "goodnight Luna" "goodnight Y/n, sleep well" she says, "you too" I say and we both fall asleep.

This is the first chapter lol.

Top of the Class: Reader x Mattheo Riddle Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang