Chapter 1:Moving Out/In

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Tw: Abuse, Flashbacks, Panic attacks, and Alcohol (If any of this makes you nervous I suggest you leave, but in the end that's up to you! There might be smut in future chapters, but right now I'm just writing fluff and angst. Let me know if you have any suggestions!)

"Are you ready Q?" George asks poking his head through the doorway of Quackitys room for 3 months. He was moving out so that George could have privacy with his boyfriend Dream. 

"Uhm... Yeah, I-I wanted to say thank you for letting me stay here and helping me with my- well- trauma? I think that would be the right word." Quackity responded in a soft quiet voice that was so different from how he used to be. George hated the thought of how much he changed. He used to be loud childish, and rambunctious. He was a child. He had just turned 19 a few weeks ago, and already had a child and one full-time job as well as two part-time ones. 

"Yeah, feel free to come back if you want. My doors are always open, just... be safe. Tubbo is in the car with his bookbag. Thank you for moving in with Karl and Sapnap, they have a room for you and as for Tubbo he'll be safe."

" I know, I should go now, love you." With that Quackity swiftly walked out of the room. George heard him shut and lock the front door, and then his mini-van start. 


Tubbo was asleep in the backseat, and I knew better than to wake him so I decided to grab my overnight bag that had some of mine and Tubbo's clothes until we fully unpacked. I picked up tubbo and his bookbag, making sure to remember his bee before locking the car and walking towards the porch of the house.

The house was a baby blue family home with cream trim and cream shutters. the roof seemed to be a navy blue, but it was hard to tell due to the sun being in the way. I quickly reach the door and swiftly open the screen door, careful as to not wake Tubbo. I decide to knock before ringing the doorbell to be a bit quieter for my new roommates. As I slowly rap on the door three times, I hear a shout of jumbled incoherent words and running as the door is quickly opened. I look up at this man, I've seen him in pictures, but never in real life. This man isn't super tall but by far much taller than me. He has on an orange-cream sweater and a white button-up shirt underneath. He seems nice, welcoming. I push this thought aside as another man joins him. This man has on a white t-shirt with a small icon that I assume is a flame over a black sweatshirt. He has black hair pulled back into a short ponytail, I notice he is a little bit shorter than the other man, but still quite taller than me. I look back at the other male noticing his longer brown fluffy hair. I quickly smile and say in a small almost timid voice, "Hello, I'm Alex, but I much prefer to be called Quackity. This is Tubbo. I assume that you are Karl and... Nick?"

The man I assumed as Nick responded in a gruff and deep yet soothing voice, "Yes! Although please call me Sapnap." With that, he turned and left. I was worried I did something wrong, so I quickly responded letting my natural Spanish shift through due to how nervous I was feeling. "Lo Siento, deberia haber preguntado por sus nambres en lugar de asumir. (I'm sorry, I should have asked for your names instead of assuming) I don't speak Spanish, so bear with me, sorry to those who are bi-lingual, I know I butchered it, but I guess if you want to comment on the correct things, I will try to change them as time goes on.

Karl sighed and shook his head, turning towards Quackity, "Hey, I can show you your guys' rooms. Also, how old is he?" 

"He's turning five. I'm his Guardian at the moment, and that will probably never change."

"How old are you?"


There was an audible gasp from Karl. Quackity looked up to see Karl looking down at him with a weird expression on his face. Was it worry? Care? It looked like compassion, but then again, I have issues with dealing with emotions after Schlatt. Schlatt. Why was I always so hung up on the fact that he was dead, and could never hurt me again? I still sometimes hear and see him. I think of my time with him, and zone out everything else. 

I think of the night that everything changed. I was returning from work, and I opened the front door. Schlatt was there drunk, as always, with a huge bottle of whiskey. I nod in his direction and open the fridge grabbing water, when suddenly schlatt grabbed me from behind. He started to lick my neck and trailed kisses down it. His kisses turned to bites, and I pushed him off. As I turned around, I felt a burning sensation across my face. I'd been slapped. He then started biting y neck again and didn't top as I started to whimper. I was a minor, this was illegal. I started to cry, but he kept biting and then started to kiss me shoving his tongue down my throat. I wasn't okay with this. He didn't stop. I didn't know what to do-

"Alex? Are you okay? Do you need water? Coffee? Food?" I hear Karl say.

"No, I'm sorry, lead the way!" I responded, nervous they would get angry.


As I start to unpack the few boxes Tubbo and I have, I set up a small bed for him, and make my twin bed. I put our clothes away, and also put away all of his toys. I briskly pick up Tubbo and head downstairs. As I reach the  bottom of the stairwell, Tubbo wakes up. I put him down and hand him his bee plushy that he adores. He giggles and starts to hug it as tight as he can. As I look up I see Sapnap and quickly introduce him to Tubbo. "This is Sapnap, he's letting us live with him. He's nice and wont hurt you. Alright?" Tubbo quickly nodsand then I look up to see Sapnap with a confused look on his face.

"Why did you say I wouldn't hurt him? I wont, but most kids wouldn't be worried about that." 

"Well, he's not most kids."

"True, but still... WHatever. I came to talk with you about rent and yeah. That. Well, we decided that you pay 1/4 of the bills because, A. there's two of you instead of one, and B. To be fair. Do you work any jobs?" Sapnap asked.

"Yeah, I've been very lucky and I'm a receptionist at a bank,  and I work at a coffee shop as well as at a friend's restaurant. I'm doing online college, so i'm quite busy. Also, I drop Tubbo of at daycare." Quackity answered not at all concerned about the fact that he was in college and working three jobs.

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