Spiritual Enlightening

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A message from the documentor:
Deep into my spiritual baskfulness , I stumbled upon a story much like mine as a royal heiress, I stumbled upon the time capsule of the first inhabitants of what we now know as legal terminology being known as crime, illegal activities and the law. These are the first human beings to ever annotate the falsidity of those who made themselves into false vague authority with no one to place them into those positions. These people were originally known as deceivers . Their own files and documentations known as the deceived . They labeled their actions committed as the falsified reality of their authoritative commands as those being deceived . Their ultimate method of correction was much like the same method they use in this day and age but much more at the early stages of invention, we know this correctional method as a Time Capsule, much like the one I was mocked with in my elementary years before I soon found myself in a similar area, known as a detention center, funny thing about being a royal heiress, things can sure get hectic.

DecievedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora