Portwell: You Fainted

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In a hospital

Gina is in a hospital bed

Gina wakes up

Gina: Where am I

Ej rushes to her side

Ej: You Fainted then hit your head! Are you alright? How are you feeling?

Gina: That explains why my head hurts

Ej: Are you feeling alright?

Gina: Yeah sort of

Doctor: Hi, I see your awake.

Gina: yeah, but I'm not entirely sure what happened.

Doctor: I'll let the kind man that brought you in explain while I grab your papers.

Doctor walks out

Gina looks at Ej with a puzzled look

Gina: All I remember is you picking me up and we were at your place

Ej: Yeah you called me in panic saying you needed to talk right away so I picked you up and drove you to my house.

Gina: what happened next

Ej: you seemed out of breath so I got you some water and you started to explain all the things going on in your life. You stood up and started pacing around the living room and asked for more water. I heard a small scream and I looked over and you had fallen and possibly hit your head on the coffee table. I immediately called 911 and got you taken to the hospital.

Gina: Thank you- ... wait what about my mom does she know-

Ej cut her off

Ej: I called your mom she's fully aware of the situation
Ej grabbed Ginas hand
Ej: I promise everything will be fine

Doctor comes back

Doctor: here are your papers you are free to go. I recommend taking a mental break stress seems to be the cause of you fainting, also (looks at Ej) thank you for taking care of her it could've been a lot worse if you weren't around, she hit her head pretty hard. Have a good day folks! And I hope we don't see you here soon. Stay healthy! Bye.

Ej grabs Ginas hand and they walk out of the hospital and go back to EJ's to watch a movie and relax.

— The End —

Ps. I don't know much about this stuff and I only did a little research so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

-Ash 🥔

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