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Chronic pain, she learned, was a hell of a thing. He constantly had to shift or stretxh never still for too long. He craved touch, she learned. Warm soft hands chasing away the dull pain of life. His back hurt constantly and nothing he could do would quench those small embers of discomfort. It was his life amd he never realized it wasnt normal until she came along. On a scale of one to ten his life was a steady three on the pain. And it isn't normal. He seethed and writhed in pain and anger. Why had no one told him? It was his own fault for not speaking up. But after once or twice he knew he'd be scolded for complaining. Or his friends would roll their eyes and call him dramatic. What caused this? Maybe all those pains he never got checked in the past. Fractures and torn tendons no matter how minor build up after a while.

All he knew is that he hurt amd he was tired of it.
And she chased the pain away

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