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Blaise zabini my enemy has been forever will be the guy I hated the most

It started with teasing each other in there first year we never took it to the point of crying

Second year we got into arguing about random stuff

Then so on and so on until we both snapped and hurt each other's feelings completely

He said the un thinkable and I said it back we knew that at that point we couldn't be friends or just rivals we were at eachothers throats all day

(A/n:that's what she said :) )

Flashback of year 4

Me and zabini had just got eachother for an assignment to do for snape we were in his dorm

We got into a argument about who's the smartest and he said

"Yeah that's why your mom was a drug addict and left you and your dad but it's ok Because you still have daddy's money"

"Yeah ok well why don't we ask your dad what he would think of you right now...oh wait we can't he's dead."

End of 4th year flash back

We pulled it together because we were in the same friend group

Until I got a task to do something that I want to do but just can't

Flashback to a week ago meeting

"Y/n you have been Assign to kill Blaise zabini"

Flashback over

Like right now I have a dagger at his throat when I kill him I will be ok but everyone will be devastated

"Do it I don't wanna be here anymore" he said

He looks me in the eyes before pulling me into a passionate kiss

" you can't bring yourself to kill me because you love me" he smirks he holds a dagger to my stomach

"I don't wanna be hear either so kill me" I said back "oh wait you can't you love me" I rolled my eyes

"How about this on 3 we will both be free?" He ask I nod

"1"he starts
"2" I continue
"3" we yell

I feel blood in my Abdomin and I see blood at his throat

"I love you Zabini" I whisper out

"I love you more y/n/l/n" he whispers as we both drop the daggers and our eyes close

And that's how it's been me and zabini up in the after life did you know you could get married here if you didn't sucks but he proposed we got married and we live happily

Draco pansy Theo mattheo Daphne are all here to we live in a huge manner together happily

Always and forever:)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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