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"Yeah Aman?"I asked

"ASR those clients are wanting to meet you and only you." said his loyal PA.

"You know i can't leave this city."i reminded him.

"I know but they aren't budging. ASR its an important deal." he said

"I know. Ok book my flight. But just for a day."I negotiated.

"It will be done." he asserted.

Its been 10 year to that fateful day. The day i lost everything. The day i lost my peace, my present, my future, my Khushi. I can still remember our conversation. My accusation, her pain and her threat. Its not that i am afraid of her threat because i know she is not capable to do something like that, she's not me, but the way she said those words said that how much she loathes me. That's why i never once tried to find her after she left everything. I don't want to give her pain again. 


I left the building with rage, pain and confusion. Confusion seeing her so confident in me being the wrong. But i know i'm not wrong, or am i? Did i made a blunder? I don't know that now but i'll surely go into the roots of this whole mess.

I didn't returned to Gupta House but directly to my farmhouse, near to my Maa, to find peace but alas, i couldn't find it even there. Something was missing in the puzzle of my life. I immediately ordered Aman to do a background check on Shyam asap. That night, i was restless, i was not able to even breathe let alone do anything. 

Next day, i knew what sin i have committed by accusing Khushi. Her each words were making sense to me as i have the history of that Shyam in front of me. Whatever worlds i hurled on Khushi was now piercing my heart, making it bleed. I rushed to Gupta house, that Shyam could wait for his end but i had to beg Khushi for her forgiveness. I was ready to do anything to earn her forgiveness, Anything. But when i reached there, the atmosphere was of mourning. My gut feeling was telling me of the loss of my life and i knew i lost her, lost every opportunity of apologies, lost the opportunity to beg. There was Payal sitting with her family.

"Why did she told us that you married her to punish her?" As  soon as she saw me, she questioned me.

And i told her, my reason to marry her sister, my each atrocities towards her and my every accusation of last night. Everyone present there was shocked for the pain their Khushi has to go through because they asked her to not share about Shyam to any one for the better future of Payal. Everyone present in that house was cursing themselves for Khushi's pain. Each one of us was equally responsible for her grief.

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