Chapter 3: The Book

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"Thank you for everything again." I answered earnestly to the doctor and nurses who were with me the past week and a half.

I turned around and walked outside the doors with Hino by my side. The light from the sun blinded me as the automatic sliding doors opened.

I let out a very heavy sigh of annoyance, "Are you serious?" Hino's response was just nervous laughter, but in her nervous laughter I could hear what she was trying to say. 'Please, I'm sorry just go along with it please.' I shook my head and walked towards the limousine- very annoyed.

I had a feeling this would happen. Apparently another thing I have to take care of is an engagement party for me and Hino. So her family is going all out- even if we aren't technically old enough to be engaged yet.

Hino's personal butler and our driver for today, Sebastian, was there at the door to let us into the limo. "Good morning." Sebastian is from England, so he had a prevalent British accent when he said this. The door was already open so I let Hino go in first and said in return, "Hey Zeb."

Zeb is my nickname for him, first it was Seb, but when I was in 2nd grade I lost my front teeth and it slowly morphed into "Zeb". He never really mind the nickname himself, but the rest of the family did.

Zeb gave me a smirk and said, "I'm glad to see you doing well." I chuckled as I got into the limo and sat next to Hino.

"It's been a while since I've been in one of these.." I looked around the gigantic interior. The inside was dark, and black with red seats. It also came with a mini fridge, but we couldn't use it because it held only alcohol. "It has.." Hino seemed a little nervous. I mean who wouldn't be? I can't even say that I'm not nervous myself.

I moved closer to her so our shoulders were touching, "I know you're nervous but I'm relying on you to handle the uptight people for me." I said this in a sarcastic tone, and for the most part I was joking. But part of me wasn't joking and I think she could tell. She put her arm around mine and laid her head on my shoulder and reassured me, "It's ok. I'll be ok."

We stayed like that until we reached her house, where the party was being held.

We reached her house, or should I say mansion a few minutes later. After being buzzed in at the gate, Zeb pulled us around to her front door and got out to open the door for us. She got out first and I followed after.

We were greeted by her parents, "Hello Ethan, how do you feel?" Her dad spoke to me first. They're usually really snobby and uptight, even towards me, but today they seem more relaxed. I guess they feel like they need to be nicer to me because, well, I am family now, technically. "I feel great honestly. Thank you doing all of this for me." I smiled when I finished. I know how to talk to her family, but I also did mean what I said. I mean they paid for my medical bills and now have pretty much secured my future.

"Of course! It's the least we could do for saving our baby girls life!" Her mother was quick to respond to me. I looked down a Hino, "Yea. I'm happy I actually do something for her for once." Not liking being teased, Hino pulled on my arm and said, "Ok, ok. That's enough. Lets get going inside." I laughed as she drug me inside and her parents followed.

Honestly, every time I go to her house, I just get blown away by how big it is. First, you walk in on this massive entry way with a staircase that leads to the second floor. To your left and right are doorways that lead you to other areas of the house. We went into the second door on the left, which I think leads to like the "ballroom". They don't call it that, but it's the only thing I can compare it too.

We walked down a hallway and through another door together. "I always will get lost in here." I was looking around trying to remember my surroundings, just in case I got lost. Hino noticed and gave me a half-chuckle and said, "Don't worry. I'll be with you the whole time."

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