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The building means nothing to Jungwon now. When he leaves Daniels apartment, he looks down and goes back to the apartment next to Daniels one. The apartment is empty now, no more furniture in, no more colors on the walls and no more Daniel in. When Jungwon is back to his apartment, he takes off his shoes and picks a big bowl of ice cream. He knows, he will never see Daniel again.

When he was younger, he met Daniel at school, during their teenage age, they fell for each other. Jungwon never felt as in love as he was when he was with Daniel. They were talking by the wall because this wall is common to each other. Their bedrooms have a common wall and most of the time, when they cant saw each other, they were talking by the wall, and this is what Jungwon was liking the most about their relationship, they were always together even if they were not seeing each other.

Two months ago, Daniel says to Jungwon that he will go to another country. Jungwon was (and still) broken about this news because Daniel never taught him about that. Jungwon cant believe that Daniel just leaves his life like that. He knows that they will never talk again, that Daniel will probably not talk to him again and the saddest thing, that Daniel will never love him again.

Jungwon is sad and he doesnt care about anything now. He just wants to be alone and doesnt talk to anyone. His heart is broken.


Jungwon wakes up from a horrible night. He feels like he doesnt sleep, but he slept for ten hours straight. He feels so tired all the time. When he goes into the kitchen, he saw his mom on her phone that texting some people. She says:

—Hey Jungwon, good morning. Did you sleep well?

—If sleeping well means feeling like I didnt sleep at all, yes, I slept well.

His mom sighs. She looks back to her phone and says:

—The next weekend we are going to have a new neighbour.

—Nice, someone to replace my ex-boyfriend. Jungwon says while he opens the fridge to take something to drink.

—Jungwon I know how hard it is to live with a broken heart, but please dont be mad at me all the time.

—I'm sorry. Im not mad at you. I'm just mad because of the situation. I'm going to spend my day with Sunoo.

—Good idea. You need to get out of the house sometimes, it's good for your mental health, she says with a smile.

Jungwon nods.

Jungwon is lucky. He lives in a building where all his friends are also living. When Jungwon moves to the apartment with his mother, he became close friends with Sunoo, a bubbly boy, a guy who smiles all the time and has a contagious laugh. When Jungwon first met him at school, Sunoo introduces Jungwon to his friends and they realize that they all are living in the same building, at 99 Broken Heart Avenue.

Jungwon finally eats something for breakfast, but he does it for his mom. He knows that she just wants him to be happy. After his small breakfast, Jungwon screams:

—Mom! I'm going to Sunoo's apartment, I'll be back one day!

—Yeah, be back for the supper, please.

—Yeah, maybe.

—Have fun, honey.

Jungwon smiles and goes outside. He goes up the stairs and knocks at Sunoo's door by his back door. Sunoo runs to the door and opens it with a big smile. When Sunoo smiles, his eyes are totally closed so he cant see anything. Sunoo says:

—Hi! How are you this morning?

—Better than yesterday but less than tomorrow.

—I hope so. Do you want to go to the mall with me and Ni-Ki?

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