Group gathering

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I finish my shift at the cafe, still with a slight headache, but the hangover soup my Grandma made for me, really helped.

I'm on the bus trying to get home in a hurry hoping Yoongi isn't already there waiting. I think about what happened last night. It was all a blur. I just remembered Yoongi tugging my wrist after I had my eyes zipped shut. The thought of going to a club again made shivers crawl down my spine.

The bus reaches my stop. As I get off I get a message. It's from Yoongi.

Yoongi: I'm waiting outside.

Crap. He's there already

Maria: I'm on my way, I won't be long.

I speed walk my way to the loft in hopes of not making him wait long, as I also need to change my clothes. I see him there, waiting outside. He's leaning on his car with his arms cross and looking down at his feet, waiting. Just like the night he took me to the studio.

I walk up to him, he hears my footsteps and looks up at me with his eyebrows slightly furrowed, He asks "Are you okay?". I nod my head, and give him and innocent look as if to say 'I apologise again for yesterday' and I say to him "Give me ten minutes"  as he looks away and up to the sky "Don't worry, take as long as you need".

I run inside and rip off my work clothes in a hurry, and scramble in my wardrobe trying to find something to wear. I throw on a pair of blue baggy jeans, my scuffed up air forces and a white long sleeve, tight fitting crop top. I quickly brush through my hair and just let it flow. I grab a light weight jacket just incase I get chilly, and take my bag with me. I sprint my way downstairs and meet Yoongi again.

"I like your sense of style" he says with a slight smirk on his face. I blush as I walk up to him "Thanks" I say, as I let out a faint laugh and look down at my feet, too shy to look him in the eyes after I hear his compliment. "You looked cute yesterday too" My heart start to race, beginning to feel nervous "Stop!" I whine, and let out a laugh, moving my hand back and forth denying it.

He opens the car door and I get in. He starts the car, and we drive off. He seems pretty closed off as he doesn't talk much, and it's just the sound of the engine as we drive along. He probably just hasn't opened up yet. People think he's cold, but he's very caring as he demonstrated last night.

All of a sudden he asks "Is your really name Kang Jiyoung?" I freeze, and I'm hesitant to answer "...Yeah" I reply reluctantly, looking into my lap and fidgeting with my fingers. He looks confused and asks "Why don't you go by it?" whilst looking at the road and taking a quick glance at me. "I don't like it...and after moving to the UK I didn't like how they pronounced my name, so I came up with my own." I say, as I look everywhere but at Yoongi, wondering how he's going to respond. He has one hand on the the wheel and has is elbow resting on the window with his head leaning on his hand, "I like it, it sounds nice" he says genuinely, whilst giving me a warm smile. I give him a smile back, but deny his compliment for the second time and say "Nah it's not that special". He shakes his head in disagreement.

We eventually reach the house, and we were in a gated community, because of course these people were famous, and they needed to have a private space away from all their fans. Yoongi turns off the car and says "Let's go inside". So I undo my seatbelt and we both get out the car. We walk up to the house, and he gets to the door and unlocks it, and gestures for me to head inside. I come in, taking my shoes of at the entrance, and putting on a pair of nearby slippers. He walks me to the living room, I'm fascinated by the modern decoration in the hallway, the interior design looks so good.

I see all the members of the group all doing their own thing. Yoongi announces that we've arrived, and everyone gets up and I bow and greet them one by one "It's good to see you again Maria!" Hobi says excitedly, as he's the closest to me. "We hope you'll have a good time tonight!" Jungkook says, from behind everyone, peaking through to see me standing in front. I walk up to the kitchen and Jin is there cooking dinner for the guys, I go to greet him and ask "Would you like some help?" even though I'm not a great cook myself, "Don't be silly, you're our guest I'll be done in a few minutes!"

So I head to the dinning table and take my seat. I'm sitting at the head of the table whilst others slowly start to come and sit down. Jimin goes to the kitchen and hands out cutlery and chopsticks in everyone's place. Whilst Taehyung brings out all the drinks and places them on the table. Yoongi goes over to the kitchen and helps Jin plate the food and brings it over. Namjoon sits at the other end, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook are on my left side, and to my right is Yoongi, Hobi and Jin.

We all begin to eat, and the members laugh among themselves as they joke around. As they're picking off food from plates and putting it onto their own, I notice Hobi and Jimin also still have my bracelets on that I gave them. I smile, as it makes me happy.

I catch Namjoon looking at Yoongi who's been staring at me the majority of dinner, as I've noticed from the corner of my eye. He furrows his eyebrow as he thinks somethings going on. He asks from across the table "Hey Maria, do you want a beer?" as all the drinks are sitting in the middle. "Well I-" Yoongi cuts me off not giving me a chance to speak "She doesn't want one!" whilst giving me a slight glare due to last night's events, and looking back at his bowl of rice. The room goes quiet as we all continue to eat.

After everyone's done and we all do our part to clean up, everyone goes to doing their own activities. Namjoon and Jin are playing a video game on the TV whilst Hobi watches, Taehyung and Yoongi are checking their phones and Jimin and Jungkook take me to the couch.

Jimin asks "We heard something happened last night" and Jungkook adds "And apparently Yoongi tucked you into bed" they say in a quiet voice as if they're gossiping, but loud enough for the members to all hear. I'm bombarded with these questions feeling a little flustered, not know the appropriate way to answer. Namjoon says "Did he even give you his jacket?" from the centre of the room, without peaking away from the TV, and tapping a bunch of buttons on his controller. My cheeks start to turn red and Yoongi shouts across the room "Ya! I was just helping her in a time of need!" he explains "Ya ya ya chill out guys your going to intimidate Maria" Jin says, whilst he laughs together with Hobi.

We all talk and play games together and have a fun night, Yoongi takes me to the kitchen whilst everyone else is occupied in the living room. He says "I'm sorry if you felt intimidated earlier they were just curious, since I told them about you." whilst scratching his head, and look at me. "'s okay" I let out a nervous laugh, as I look around the kitchen avoiding eye contact. "Listen, I'm really sorry about yesterday it won't happen again" I said in a sad tone, as I felt like I made a bad impression on him. "I'll protect you from now on, don't worry" Yoongi says is a calm tone. My heart begins to pound at his words. No one has ever said that to me. It made me feel special.

He suddenly asks in a reluctant tone "Do you want to stay the night? It's pretty late." worried that he'll scare me off. I immediately begin to feel anxious as I'm too scared to stay over, and I scramble for an excuse in my brain and say "My Grandma will be worried, and I didn't bring pyjamas" I'm scanning Yoongi's face hoping for a reply that will take me home. "You can call her and let her know you're staying over. She knows it's safe here, and I can lend you some clothes to sleep in"

I screwed up. The excuses weren't good enough, I'm terrible at saying no.

"Are you sure it's okay?" I say in a nervous tone. "Yeah of course, why wouldn't it be" as he walks off, so I can make my phone call, and goes to his room, to get me some pyjamas.


This was a long one guys, I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter I feel like Yoongi doesn't really have much of a personality and I'm starting not to like it
what do you guys think so far? <333

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