elf. (2)

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   I'm stupid. I wandered to the edge and now a human knows who i am and i'm doomed and i'll never be able to become a messenger and- well, i'm rambling. i'm an elf. I live in the woods. I do elf things like go into the woods to get mushrooms and almost get shot.

   The woods that just so happen to be nearby a human village. Humans that i was forbidden to see. 

   My parents are going to kill me. 

   I'm Alair, the elf who decided to hide in a bush that also had an absurd amount of thorns hiding in it. All i wanted to do was get some mushrooms and leave. That's the plan that i had but nope! I had to get caught! 

   Was he trying to rob me? KILL ME? Whatever it was he couldn't go through with it after running through sunstone brambles and practically sitting on top of me.

   "Alair! quit the daydreaming and help me cut the mushrooms!" Right, dinner. That's something i was trying to prepare before the whole human incident. I'd been staring very intently at the potatoes i had been mincing for the past few minutes. I got to work cutting up the mushrooms. I slid them into the pot that contained the stew we would probably be eating for the next few days. 

   I live in a very cozy house, my parents had always been pretty big on living peacefully, immediately after they married they went to build a house in the middle of the woods next to a pond they had found. 

   I got my share of the stew and went to my room to sit and think.

   Thinking of many things, really. Why's that frog sitting on my windowsill? Do humans live isolated or close together? What would a human village be like? Does the boy that i ran into live in a village? What's he having for dinner tonight? Does he like meat or vegetables more? 

   Why am i thinking of the guy who said he nearly shot my head off with a crossbow again?

   By that point my stew had grown cold and my parents had gone to bed. I sighed. 

   I eventually fell asleep, all the stuff that had happened today would be easier to think about tomorrow. 




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