The phone resting against the table began to shake slightly as the alarm rang in an annoying, high-pitched tone. A groan erupted from the covers beneath along with a tired yawn as mangled limbs began to combat the covers wrapped around them.
"Mutt, get your arse off meeeee," a tired, soft voice muffled from beneath. There was an even deeper tone beneath the covers, who wrestled with the human beneath.
"we don' have arses, darlin'." He wrapped his arms around her waist and dragged her closer to his chest. He snuggled his head into the crook of her neck. "pleassseee stay, [Y/N], it's lonely hereeee." She groaned in annoyance, melting further into his warm embrace. [Y/N] intertwined her fingers with his.
"You have Berry."
"nooooo." The door slammed open to reveal Berry in all his glory: his blue eyes squinted at the sight before him. The scratch marks against his right socket seemed to be highlighted even further by his narrowed eyes: he was dressed in a security guard uniform, with his signature red, tattered scarf around his neck, along with the boots he wore. Berry had one of his arms rested against his hip and the other held a tray of a cup of coffee and a bagel covered with butter, cream cheese and slices of salmon. Berry was just never surprised anymore- he always ended up in her bed due to his constant demand of affection and even Berry could admit he adored her affection. He lived off of it.
"Morning Berry, what is the reason behind such a visit?" [Y/N] spoke, attempting to unravel herself until Mutt wrapped his arms protectively around her waist and brought down her weight. "Muttttttt."
"MAKING SURE YOU HAVE BREAKFAST, YOU INSUFFERABLE MAGE, " Despite the authority he still spoke with, there was underlying humour and fondness in both his eyes and voice. He walked over and slid the plate onto the table. "YOU NEVER EAT PROPERLY, YOU IDIOT. AND MUTT, LET HER GO."
"MUTT." Berry aggressively tapped his foot with both his hands on his hips whilst his eyes flashed red in warning. Mutt let out a whine before allowing [Y/N] to escape; she unravelled herself, tripping over the covers and slightly fearing she would fall until Berry delicately caught her, wrapping one arm around her waist and slightly dipping her in the air. A proud smirk arose. [Y/N] blushed at their close proximity, grumbling to herself- he raised her palm to adorn it in an array of skelly kisses, rising higher and higher until...he kissed her nose. She wrinkled her nose in displeasure, to Berry's amusement. Mutt pouted at this exchange. He wanted to shower [Y/N] in kisses...
"It was sweet of you to make me breakfast, Berry. I hope I haven't kept you from work." [Y/N]'s eyes trail along the outfit he wore (which suited his body quite well, in a definite not-attractive-way). Not at all.
Mutt propped up his chin still with the covers wrapped around his legs. "yeah, you pushed someone to the floor."
Berry hit his heal against the floor. "HE IS INSUFFERABLE!"
"Oh, is that the racist one?" [Y/N] asked. Berry nodded. She took a bite into her breakfast and a quick sip of her coffee, and sighing in content as she finished the entire thing. She stood beside Berry, with one hand underneath the cup, and the other wrapped around it. "And this is so good, you have outdone yourself, sir." She winked and laughed as Berry puffed out his chest in pride. "Do you think I could break his kneecaps-"
"-[Y/N] NO-"
"-[Y/N] yes." Berry huffed to himself, crossing his arms across his chest. "I need to get ready, so you two leave please." Reluctantly, the pair left [Y/N] to get dressed. She quickly threw on a jumper, a pair of shorts, holey tights and a necklace in the shape of a drew drop. Apparently, wearing socks in front of the skeleton brothers was the worst possible thing she could do; it was seen as underwear. So, [Y/N] had grown to never wear socks around them and just throw on their boots. Oh well, she would respect their wishes.

She threw her backpack onto her shoulders, wrapping her finger around her charger to throw it into her bag. Everything and everyone seemed to be relatively silent. The silence was unfamiliar, and an unwarranted; the disturbing aspects of silence was how unpredictable it seemed, how danger could lurk nearby, and you would be unaware of the true monsters in the quiet. Only Edge, Berry, Papyrus and Blue were ever awake at this time. Papyrus and Blue often trained and ran at 3am, Edge worked at this time, and Berry usually woke up around this time. He was just used to it and accustoming to the more "nice" world he, and his brother, came upon was a strange, but not unwelcoming change. All of their friends, as well, had somehow ended up in this world and they were unsure how. It was the same for Edge, Red, Blue and Stretch and a few others. Sans had caused it with the damn machine. The very machine his father had created, the very one he had forced Sans to work on as well, the very machine which caused his downfall in the first place. And yet, even after this, Sans had hoped to bring back his father. No one else took time into helping with the machine, it was both pointless and they had all found somewhere they had reached the surface! And their families were here! But, it did not appear Sans cared all that much.

Jumping down each step as carefully as possible, [Y/N] landed at the bottom of the stairs making barely any noise as she made her way to the front door, walking past the kitchen and living room. She slid her hand onto the wall next to her to slide on her boot following after with the other. Her boots made a slight thud.
"Ohhh, [Y/N], where are you off to?" Bethany asked with her hands on her hips.
[Y/N] turned to face her. "University?"
"Oh, right, yeah, of course." Bethany rotated her hand in confirmation. "I need you to do a favour."
"No." [Y/N] opened the door, halfway through until Bethany grasped her wrist and dug her sharp nails into her skin. A small smirk stretched across her face as the blood trickled from the small holes in her flesh, dripping along her wrist and landing in drops. "The blood on the floor looks a bit suspicious."
"Oh well, I will just tell everyone you got in a fight again~" She purred. "I need you to cook today."
"I am working at Muffet's after uni, Bethany. I can't." [Y/N] yanks her wrist back. Bethany fell back dramatically against the wall, her hand rested against her forehead. The mage scowled in response. Edge picked her up bridle style- wait, had he been there the entire time- and glared at the mage darkly.
"I barely touched her." [Y/N] spoke in response, flinching slightly once Red blipped into existence. He stood inches from her face, his pinpricks non-existent; his hands still rested in his pockets.
"don' talk to my bro like that, whore."
"I didn't talk to him like anything, Red."
"who said you could fucking use my name?!" Whilst Red's anger was slowly rising, the magic was beginning to tamper with the atmosphere as fury grew. The monsters who lived here could easily pick up on the magic, and it caused all the skeleton housemates to appear: everyone's magic smelled completely differently. Depending on their anger, whether they were upset and even if they were incredibly calm. Red's, at the moment, smelled of danger and fire. [Y/N] could maintain her own magic and contain it so it did not go out of control, her face was neutral but her eyes contained some fear.
"What should I call you then?" A genuine question. Yet, it seemed to irk him further. He was about to step even closer- and his magic spiked even more- until Mutt stood in front of [Y/N], his eyes glowing with magic, intertwining with Red's as a warning. The dog treat between his teeth exerted wisps of purple smoke. Berry stood beside his brother, checking [Y/N] for any injuries and his eyes narrowed upon seeing the tear marks across her wrist. He growled to himself; his fingers lit with a green glow, tracing over the marks, healing them into scars.

Berry whispered near [Y/N]'s face, only managing a smile for a moment at her slight blush, "Did She Do This?" A simple nod as confirmation. Mutt and Red were having their own conversation, reduced to whispers. Their voices raised further and further. One statement seemed to affect [Y/N] the most and she froze where she stood.
"Just keep her fat arse away from Bethany."
"watch your tongue, you sackless shit. she is not fat."
"she needs to lose a few pounds. shouldn't be rustling through the cupboards at night."
Mutt growled in response.

With a sigh, [Y/N] wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. Quickly placing a kiss on Berry and Mutt's cheek, she stood halfway through the door. "I may be fat, but at least I am happy and not a fake bitch." She smiled and slammed the door closed, presuming she teleported to university. Mutt burst out into laughter and Berry was unable to contain his smile behind his hand. Bethany began to fake cry, nuzzling into Edge for comfort. Red was about to teleport and fight [Y/N] until Sans told him it would not be wise.

"when she gets back, there will be punishment."
"fuck that, you vanilla dick."
"IT IS [N/N]'S."
"Yeah, she was fighting again, Sansy." Bethany wailed.
"she is a pr-"
"EVEN IF SHE WAS, HOW IS THAT OUR BUSINESS?" Berry scoffed and crossed over his arms against his chest. "COME, MUTT. WE SHALL BE VISITING [N/N] AT WORK." Mutt pumped his fist from behind him, to his brother's amusement. They both walked upstairs, leaving the rest of the skellies with Bethany.
"DID...YOU HURT HER, RED?" Blue asked. "
"nah, Mutt made sure. he's her fucking guard dog."
"The marks are self-inflicted, Red Bear."
"'course they are." Blue, on the other hand, felt strange. He had seen the smirk across Bethany's face as they bad mouthed [Y/N] to her face or behind her back.

He needed to talk with his brother about how strange Bethany's behaviour was. 

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