Ferris Wheel

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The boy looks up again. He can't believe his eyes. A tear slowly makes its way out her eyes.

She smiles at him opening her arms for a hug.

The young man stands up and puts his guitar on the floor.

His feet bring him over to the girl he missed so much.

They hugged like they never  hugged anyone before.

The hug holds on for seconds. He puts his hands on her shoulders and pushes her softly away from him.

"Are you real?"

She smiles at his question and giggles a little bit.

"Indeed, I am real. I'll go back to Brighton tomorrow after I spend two days in London"

His smile is brighter than anything else.

They laughed, they danced, and they walked

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They laughed, they danced, and they walked.

The night was dark, but for Wilbur, the sun wasn't that far away.

He looked at her, often. He felt comfort in her words.

He likes her voice more than everything.

There's so much to learn about that girl.

And for Vienna, there's so much to learn about Wilbur.

She walks in front of him with her bag over her shoulder.

The Asphalt's still warm from the sun on the day. Her bare feet touching it with every step.

Both still singing and dancing on their way to God knows where.

She's a traveller, and so is he.

Santa Cruz is Wilburs last stop before he goes back to Brighton, the town Vienna comes from.

But for Vienna, this is not the end of the road. She wants to see so much more.

She wants to see every place, her father wants to see. But she couldn't wait for him. And he knows that. 

She turns herself to look to Wilbur and smiles.

"I saw a Ferris Wheel two blocks away. Do you want to go?"

He smiles and nods.

"Your wish is my demand"

She giggles and walks right next to his side.

She's filled with joy and can't wait to get there.

She takes his hand and slowly starts running,

He laughs and runs with her not letting go of her hand.

The lights of the night shining down on them while joy fills the air.

After a few minutes they both could see a big Ferris Wheel with light as light as the sun.

They stopped running at the same time walking towards the big Wheel.

They still hadn't let go of their hands.

The cashier is tired, and you can see that, but he puts on a smile when he sees the two walking towards him. Wilbur holds money to the cashier while he opens the entrance for the wagons.

Wilbur gently holds his hand out so she can go in first.

She smiles and takes her seat and waits for Wilbur to take his seat.

The ride starts when Wilbur sat down.

When they were on the top the Wheel stops. Vienna's eyes glides over the town with pure joy, while Wilbur's eyes lay on her.

"Where are you from?" She looks at him surprised from the question he just asked.

"I'm from England. Brighton. Down by the sea."

He smiles.

"I lived in London before I started traveling but I wanted to move to Brighton when I get back to England"

She smiles at first but as soon as her thoughts on Brighton came back her smile begins to fade away.

"I don't know when I'll back to Brighton, but I know one day I will be there."

His smile fades away when he sees her face.

"Is everything okay? Your smile fades away when I talked about Brighton.", he ask softly not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable.

Her smile came back after he asks her that question.

"Don't worry. I'm fine but my road's not over here. I have so many places I want to visit"

He smiles at her.

"I'll go back to England in three weeks and rent a flat in London for the time I'll search for something in Brighton"

She smiles at him taking his hand and presses it softly.

"My last stop is London, before I'll go back to Brighton"

His face lit up when he heard those words.

"Well I hope I don't have to wait for sixty weeks before I'll see you in London" 


(734 Words)

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