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Alr so, lets clear shit up im nicknamed Arwi, but u can call me sock aswell, i really dont mind. 

My pronouns are she/they

And this is my first book so its gonna be kinda shit-

So I hope yall have had a great day/night/afternoon

Ily yall /p 

What else do i fucking add

Oh right

Im new to this shit bear with me (thats the right spelling - i think - i checked google bitch, ik bear is the animal but whatevs)

Alr so these little shits:
Bold: Emphasis or some shit idfk
Italic: Something thats happening in the mean time, so like texts ur getting during a stream, or messages in the server or something.
Underline: Shit u need to remember 

If something is used in groups (e.g. Raspberries are better than strawberries) then that means multiple meanings to one phrase or word. For the example that would mean emphasis and shit u need to remember, I wont be using fonts, but if i do, ill put brackets under what it is and what "thing" its in, just in case someone cant read it. I DONT KNOW WHAT THEYRE CALLED OK? I SEARCHED GOOGLE AND IT SAID "typographical emphasis" TF IS THAT. 

Yall will probably forget this so I'm gonna put an A/N note after every single use of them, so ur welcome bitch

**Btw i dont mean to offend anyone with the raspberries thing, it was just something at the top of my head 😃** 


Note: Im british and we say "jumper" but i only did sweater  for the AlLiTeRaTiOn (alliteration)

(this is about the title of the book btw)


Anyway have a great day/afternoon/night 

Hope u enjoy the book 🧍


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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