bucky - he couldnt know

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Hi this is my first imagine! Sorry I its short but I'm going to try and get better :)

Imagine: you are buckys therapist and you wake up in the Middle of the night to bucky at your door.

"How have you been, james?" You said as you led bucky into your office and sat down in front of him. "Good." He said, looking down at the carpeted floor. "Any nightmares that I should know about?" "no." "I cant help you if you don't talk to me james"

You were buckys therapist and you had appointments every Tuesday. It was hard sometimes but worth it when you saw him happy every once in a while. You were a therapist that helped people with problems that weren't common. And bucky was just that, uncommon.
What you didn't know was that bucky had a huge crush on you. He had liked you since the day he first walked into your office for his first session. He couldn't say anything though, most people would think having a crush on your therapist was weird and creepy, so he kept it to himself.

After this week's session y/n went home to her new York apartment and went to bed, feeling as tired as ever. But as soon as her head hit the pillow, she heard a knock at the door. She groaned and stood up to answer. When she opened the door she was met with bucky. He looked like he had been crying. "Bucky." You said, still waking up and adjusting to the situation standing in front of you. "I'm so sorry Ms l/n, I didn't know who to come to." He said. "Come in" you replied with a smile, you didn't w a nt him to get anymore upset. " what seems to be the problem james?" You said comfortably. "I don't know how to stop the nightmares." He said. "Have you tried the technique we talked about?" "Yes" you both stayed quiet for a moment, trying to think about what to do. You had never seen this side of bucky. He was usually so calm, or angry.....or sad you could never tell with this man. But now he looks like he needs help, and that exactly what your going to give him. " how about....you stay at my place for the night? If you want to of course" you said "I'd like that" he replied.

You got blankets and pillows from your room for bucky to sleep with on the couch. You walked out into the living room but were met with a sleeping bucky, laying on the couch, he looked too peaceful to wake up so you walked in the living room and put some blankets on his body. He stirred a little but then fell back into a deep sleep when you touched his arm, calming him down. You really liked bucky, but it couldn't be said out loud, he couldn't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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