Prologue: The Secret

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        Centuries ago, in days of old, our forefathers built a mansion. They built it out of glass, so that anyone close enough to the building would be able to see inside of it. Nothing is hidden, nothing is exposed. Except there is one thing hidden - at the core of the mansion, there is a hidden room.

        This very room has held the mansion's previous owner's bodies for centuries. They have been preserved for a lifetime. It allows them to stay in the mansion, to remain as spirits that can roam its halls at night, and show the seen the unseen. The different dimensions come into view.

        The hidden room allows for the dead owners of the mansion to stay, and avoid crossing over into the afterlife that awaits them: Hell.

        Because each of the owners of the mansion have their own secrets - they were all murderers. They were so obsessed with living forever, that they would kill to achieve its promises. And they have achieved its promises - but perhaps not for long.

        The owners victims also roam the house at night. They all quarrel and bicker, trying to decide how they can ever get along. If the owner is vanquished, the victim is freed to be as well.

        The victims want to be freed and go to Heaven, while the owners want to stay an eternity in the mansion - they wish to live there forever.

        However, the living can vanquish the spirits. If a body is removed from the preservation grounds, the spirit will proceed into the afterlife.

        And thus, the spirits are at constant quarrels with one another. They fight over the living, who will save and not save them. But, most of all, who they will possess. Because with every group of humans that enter the mansion, there is always one that can be possessed.

        And the one that can be possessed, is a human that can also take over ownership of the next age of the mansion. A person, who can either help and free them from their bonds...preserve their spirits forever... or stay with them... forever.

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