" See ya again "

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Okay this is part 2 of .. " Tongue Therapy " ... I named the chapter something else cuz I felt like it suited more... & now to continue the smut...

You rubbed your eyes and opened them as the view of your room started to come in your vision... The white curtains hanging on the windows were swaying softly in the morning breeze and slight rays of sun coming inside... Illuminating your room... Your eyes traveled from the window to the book shelf in front of your bed and landed on the champion bottle resting on the too shelf... You sighed softly reaching your hand for your phone on the night stand... You checked the time... It was 7: 23 in the morning... You opened your text box and scrolled to a contract...

Kim Taehyung

You opened it and read the text u sent him last week...

Hii this is me.. Rita.. We met in the club...

You rolled your eyes and sighed throwing your phone in your lap you layed back down pulling your covers over you completely..... You mumbled to yourself...

Ugh... I can't stop thinking of him... I need to admit it that it really was a one night stand nothing more...

Out of frustration you kicked your covers getting out of bed walking to your bathroom...

What did u thought Rita.. He'll really contact you and call u again...

You scoffed undressing yourself... After taking a nice shower and having breakfast you head out to work...

♣_ Time Skip _♣

You got out of work it was about 9 pm... You walked out of the building and started walking on the sideway... It was dark and the street was lit by some street lights... Your phone started ringing & u felt it buzz inside your bag under your arm... Feeling slightly irritated you took the strap off your shoulder & pulled your phone out but you almost dropped your bag when u saw the contact name...

Kim Taehyung

You gulped and blinked not believing he's actually calling you... You answered the call and put your phone next to your ear...

Heyy sugar... It's Taehyung...

You mouth ran dry just hearing his deep familiar voice...

Hello ?!?!?? ...

You coughed slightly before answering..

You : yes hello Tae... How have u been?

Tae : it's been hectic but I couldn't get u off my mind...

Your heartbeat skipped beats and got faster...

You : that makes the 2 of us...

Tae : oh really..

You : Yess...

Tae: let's meet up then what do u say?

You : sure... Where & when?

Tae : how about now...

You could see him smirk in your mind and it made u drive crazy...

Tae : at the club where we first met..

You : okay... I'll be there in about 20 mins...

Tae : I'll be waiting babe...

And he hung up leaving you blushing... For some reason you wanted him to call u babe... You wanted to be his...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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